
feels like the unspoken thing that's frying more and more people is a growing inescapable sensation that they have basically no influence at all on their biggest elected reps no matter what and it sends everyone scattered looking for different methods and rationalizations to grapple with it
there are no platitudes being shoveled of 'push him left' anymore - and why would they be in a second term? every 'strategy' that gets pitched ends up ultimately at 'keep the lights on long enough for the people who refuse to let go to finally die of old age'
this is, of course, incredibly demoralizing to wide swathes of people. and before some dipshit comes in, this is not to say 'it's all pointless, why bother' or other doomer messages - just exactly that. it's fucking demoralizing to see you have no influence on your reps, even when they do genocide.
and it is demoralizing that on top of that every 'reasonable' strategy is just running out the clock, because it is not only the president within your party who is unbudgable, it is all of leadership around him too, and they're in the safest possible seats and fiercely protective of them.
so a lot of voting ends up being "these stupid fucking bloodthirsty pieces of shit have to die of old age eventually, maybe it'll be this term". it's just plain fucking demoralizing. 1/6 didn't get their asses in gear, what possibly could? so everyone plays the waiting game.
you're worried about SCOTUS and want action against it? and rightfully so! unfortunately it's not just the president who's in your way, it's dick durbin, and there are no signs that he's budging on being a coward, in no small part because those above him (schumer, biden himself) are fine with it.
so you just wait for all of them to keel over and vote to keep things running long enough for them to finally die. aristocracy with democratic elements shit. it's fucking demoralizing! it just is. people shouldn't stop, but there's no ignoring it's fucking demoralizing, exhausting, aggravating.
the "everything's normal" complacency & fecklessness of Nancy Pelosi are especially exasperating, since right-wing opps have made attempts on her own life, incl a home invasion & assault on her husband, with the complicit encouragement of GOP colleagues who still share air in her workplace today 🤯
a guy literally tried to kill your husband in an attempt to also kill you and the GOP are making jokes about it and you're still in your "we need a strong republican party" mode. if this didn't get her ass in gear, it is very hard to imagine what voters and protesters could do to get her to change
It really was maddening to see them all lose any sense of urgency about Jan 6th by the time February rolled around. Centrists market themselves as clear-eyed pragmatists and yet they behave as though they sincerely believe in their own immortality
a thing that explains a lot: those emails we all get smothered in? the dems don't actually do those in-house. they are contracted out to companies. people say "they fundraise on abortion!" and. mmmm. sort of. how did dem leadership react to dobbs overturned, and how'd the emails react?
The words "moribund" and "calcified" come to mind.
The people in government are gonna have to start worrying about their interns who aren't so socially isolated from the poors and youth deciding to redact them with a pencil to become a folk hero.
We know the methods, it's an issue of who has the balls
This is super accurate Seems like there's a lot of undirected rage from the folks who have realized that they're being puppeteered, but by economic and political forces beyond their comprehension They don't know who to blame for their ever worsening conditions so they're just angry af
Expand the House of Representatives. Make it easier to get to personally know your rep (and for them to know you).
We'd have more sway if we started a fucking revolution already.