
seeing a bunch of "joe actually supports court reform now, we just need to get him the house and senate" and lmao. no he doesn't, and you know he doesn't, because dick durbin is allowed to be a useless piece of shit about the courts without any pushback from the dems above him
"what did you expect us to do about manchin" better question: can they not get in line an *illinois* senior democrat that they themselves have made the senate whip and the *chair of the judiciary committee* on 'stop giving a shit about blue slips' and 'do more about SCOTUS than stern letters'
it is not the places where democrats have tough blockades that show their true behavior, it is where there is nothing getting in the way but themselves. if they can't wrangle dick fucking durbin on blue slips/getting more aggressive about the courts, pretty clear they don't *want* to
as is, at best, joe's shift is "if you give us frankly *insane* majorities in the senate and house, like 70-75 votes in the senate, and a majoirty in the house so big that there is negative risk in doing something about the courts, we'll finally seriously consider it. maybe"
"bwehhhhhhh but manchin. manchinnnnn!" pelosi wasn't willing to get richard neal (d-ma) in line on "don't fucking slow walk getting trump's taxes" while she had control of the house, schumer wouldn't tell chris coons (d-de) to shut up and sit down about his valentine's vacation
and apparently nobody of significance is interested at all in telling dick fucking durbin that he needs to get his ass in gear about at minimum ditching the "not a law, not even a codified senate rule, just an old tradition" blue slips. joe ain't gonna do shit for court reform.
in terms of "getting change via the electoral process" on these high fronts where senior dems control the levers of power and refuse to budge on how they've used - or haven't used - them, you're still stuck with "wait for them to die of old age" regardless of congress majorities. ~*the democrats*~!
The democrats' behavior at work fully betrays that not one of the leadership actually believes this election is high stakes. We're all free to STRENUOUSLY DISAGREE WITH THEM about that, but we can't pretend it isn't true just because their fundraiser email subjects are shrill and panicky
Remembering the time someone tried to “But how can leadership influence Manchin?” me and I looked up his last of committee seats to screenshot in reply, only to find that it was too long to fit on my phone’s screen
“he can’t do anything about manchin” both lieberman and kucinich opposed obamacare. lieberman got every single thing he wanted, and kucinich? they threatened to strip him of all his positions and kill his entire extended family unless he sucked it up we can see you. we know the game
It’s that good old end-of-the-line despair or self-gaslighting. Same as the “Most Liberal President since FDR” I’ve seen going around. He doesn’t have an Obamacare level achievement, let alone a Great Society or even Nixon’s EPA. What are we doing here?
lot of "look i'm glad he's not undermining the NLRB every day like obama probably would've, but he doesn't have like a hundred executive orders a day to do Good Shit like FDR did to go with his racism, like FDR had"
and the counterbalance to the "genuinely better than obama on labor" in fact comes with medical care, where tons of people were kicked off care as pandemic protections ended with a shrug from joe and senior dems, and also things like medicare advantage just being a straight up scam
also the whole "pandemic's over, jack" and also "let's redirect covid funds to the fucking cops". he's fucking terrible on medical issues! saying he'd veto M4A if it was passed is just the tip of the iceberg!