
One of the most important things you can do as an ally and as fighter of fascism is stop laughing at evangelical Christians and realize they mean every single word they say. They’re not funny, they’re absolutely terrifying. Take them extremely seriously and act accordingly.
And stop assuming that there is any chance of hypocrisy shaming them about "religious freedom" They know what they mean and they don't freaking care
Yep. Lying is bad, except when in service of gaining political power, in which case the lies ultimately serve God, so it’s ok actually. For a case study in this, Chris Luxon, PM of Aotearoa NZ.
Not religious, but anyone who lies for their Lord is breaking the 9th commandment; “Thou shalt not bear false witness.” Jesus must be very disappointed in quite a few of his “followers.”
I’ve listened to experts in this divide evangelical Christians into different types. Cultural (grew up with it, still in it), devout (knows Bible really well) & political. This last group is especially mendacious and dangerous.
Yep, and from what little of that damned book (bible) I remember, Jesus was never overly political—and was DEAD SERIOUS about loving your neighbor and caring for the vulnerable. He would most likely be horrified by Christian Nationalism.
I know these power hungry individuals using Christianity as cover for controlling others disappoint many Christians
If only they would speak out, since Repuglican Jesus is the dominant face of Christianity in the US. (Sorry for the late reply.)
Indeed. If only. That strain is not *at all* dominant my home countries, yet both Aus and AoNZ have managed to elect political evangelicals in the last few cycles anyhow!
Do excuse me, but regarding Aus and AoNZ, what do they stand for? (The letters, I mean.)