Larre Bildeston

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Larre Bildeston

Writer, artist, parent, carer. Autistic and acespec. Australia via Aotearoa, (soft) atheist. Agender. Pronouns: I want to say “any” since I’m collecting A words. (they/them actually) The Space Ace of Mangleby Flat (2023) is on Amaz*n
This book is non-fiction hypothetical (is that a genre?) but reads like a thriller. If I had, say, a Murdoch Media enthusiast who will be voting in ~4 months, I might leave a copy casually lying around in the hopes they pick it up and reconsider who they want in charge of the nuclear codes.
Once again paraphrasing Polanyi: "We experience more than we can say. We say more than we can write. We write more than we can read. We imagine more than we can enact."
Large Models of What? Mistaking Engineering Achievements for Human Linguistic Agency New paper with Marek McGann
Anyone who is looking for free access to the scholarly work referenced in this article and more gender-affirming scholarly works should check out Internet Archive Scholar. There are almost 250K results for "gender affirming" and over 50K for "transgender"
Cold snap is here. The wind outside is doing that thing where it sounds like the soundtrack to a scary movie. Meanwhile I hope everyone enduring a hot summer in the other hemisphere finds relief very soon.
It's my job to buy books for my local library. One thing I wish more people knew is that we are very open to suggestions for new titles. I buy 90% of books that people suggest. Please, let your library know the kinds of things you want to read. It's helpful!
Sent to me by a friend.
Once when I had 5 chickens, 1 died. I buried it. Next morning, not 4 chooks in the coop but 5 again, all Rhode Island Reds. Turns out someone else’s chook escaped and some neighbours assumed it was ours, locked it up in our coop. Anyway, that resurrected chook confused me for a while.
At 18 years old on a night out a stole a plant pot from a random house's front garden. It lived in my car boot for a year. I then decided to return it one night but dropped it, shattering it on their garden path. God knows what the people who lived there thought was happening
how my brain works
An asexual, agender, Autistic Gen X Australian architect living in Aotearoa (AAAAAA) spends his whole life wondering what the hell's wrong with him, and only works himself out in his 40s after getting to ~very gradually~ know a trans femme friend from his local tennis club.
Explain your book/WIP in one sentence badly. Single dad spends 60,000 words going, “Pretty sure this dude just unkilled me, and oh shit he’s cute” 🌈📚
Well, in stark contrast to our experience with last week's nasty pathology nurse, I can't tell you how relieved I was to find that the nurse at the different place this morning is trans masc (and also neurodivergent, as it turns out). Way better experience. In every single way.
A picture book! Come for the social pragmatics, stay for happy infodumping about 🦑 🐡 🦐 🦈 🪸 🌊 with the neighbors!
Borrowing from the art community... Nonbinary People's Day Book Share! 💛 Share your books if you're a nonbinary author ⚪ Share books you enjoyed with nonbinary characters if not. 💜 Boost nonbinary authors 🖤 Add our books to your TBR? My books (with a nonbinary MC)👇 #InternationalNonbinaryDay
Rosy maple moths are the absolute cutest and it’s not even close
LOOK AT THIS BIRD Mollymawks of the Auckland Islands are so cute. Unfortunately they're easy to catch as they haven't evolved around humans. In better news, they're protected now, on these islands at least.
Months ago on my walk I came across a baby rabbit, who must have been sick, curled up in a tuft of grass. I wouldn't let my dog near it, though he was very interested. Every day since then, my dog gives that same tuft of grass a very long, very inquisitive sniff.
I don't know what the rest of the world is up to, I spent my Sunday morning going down a research rabbit hole (heh) and now I can tell you all about the world's most rare species of rabbit. (The Enderby Island rabbit, icyww.)
If I do, then that's mine to deal with! There's a concept we talk about in disability justice called the "dignity of risk." One thing often denied to disabled people is the right to take risks, to fail, to have regrets. It is a RIGHT to TRY something.
"you might regret it later!" is another fun bullshit response
There are ways it sucks to be autistic. Then there are the perks.
ok earnest and very autistic question: why is it not the "ceiling of your mouth"
The “legendary sex therapist” is dead. Did she ever explain or retract this sentiment? No, I don’t forget. #asexual
The ADHD experience of thinking you don't know how to study as the way you are taught which relies on rote rehearsal over and over of the same thing is inherently antithetical to engaging your brain.
During my walk I came to a decision. I would like to be a Joey traveling around in my warm wallaby mother’s pouch. I would look very cute peeping out and it would also be very fun.
Hey wow as someone with a stutter y’all are not kind At all Do you know what happens when you have the kind of stutter where you swap words? Your brain makes an association in a split second and you go “no, not that”, especially when nervous, and it just blorts out of your mouth.
Oh you're Autistic *and* asexual? This question must be rhetorical.
Oh you're autistic? Name four times you were being flirted with heavy and didn't have a clue
Whoopi Goldberg out with 4th infection; Violet Affleck all the things please; metrics skyrocket for US, UK, Canada, Taiwan, Italy, Greece, Scotland; great news about antihistamines; why window seats are safest on a plane, and more. Always free:
Pandemic Roundup: July 11, 2024 | Violet Get more from Violet Blue on Patreon
The US should switch to Celsius to make it cooler at night
i call my iphone lois lane bc it doesn’t recognize me with my glasses on either.