
I need a labeler just for people who cite bullshit jobs unironically.
I get why people think that every job but theirs is fake. There's a sense that we sort of intuit that in complex orgs the actual load-bearing positions differ from the org chart (cf. Ed B's post about Peggy and the University). BS jobs flatters the, "only I do real work" impulse.
No it doesn't. The whole theory is based around people thinking their own jobs are bullshit.
Or alternatively, you are a person of worth but you are being wasted on meaningless busy work while someone else undeserving is given the real work,
That's also not what it is. Maybe give the book a shot! It's an easy read!
I thought Graeber (RIP) made a pretty good case. I had a bullshit job of one sort or another for much of my career, and if he'd asked me, I'd've said so.
Exactly. So much of the discourse seems to be trying to argue with people that no, their job actually *is* valuable! Personally, I've never had a job I would consider to be entirely bullshit, but I generally trust people when they say theirs is one.