
People are like "why would these supposedly pro business Republicans be cutting funding for public universities that are huge economic growth engines" and like look at how the richest states vote and how the poorest states vote. If you were a Republican would you want your state to become wealthier?
the big explanation for nc going purple was the 3 big universities drawing in lots of educated transplants and young people
I always found this 2016 exit poll in NC fascinating. There was a lot of migration to NC in the 90s from the NE Corridor for Charlotte banking reasons and the Triangle knowledge economy and whatnot but in the past couple decades there have also been a lot of Midwest transplants and retirees
There is like a stunning amount of Michiganders who hate Democrats in North Carolina now lol
The worst Ohioans and I imagine Michiganders dream of one thing: becoming a southerner by moving to the Carolinas. It’s one of the lamest things our expats strive for