
In 2016, 6% of Virginians voted 3rd party and Clinton still won it by over 5 points. Biden won it by over 10 in 2020. I understand that Biden is unpopular but rank partisanship alone means he's not losing Virginia. The polls seem so broken right now
It would be a lot harder to be a poll truther if they would simply reflect a recognizable reality
New Mexico has a Democratic governor, 2 Democratic senators, 3 out of 3 Democratic House members, a 64% Democratic state Senate, a 64% Democratic state House, 5 out of 5 Democratic Supreme Court Justices. If Donald Trump is winning New Mexico as the poll in the thread quoted says, I'm George Clooney
Maine hasn't voted for a Republican for President since 1988 and Paul LePage was governor because an independent candidate spoiled the races and was later found in possession of CSAM
Colorado has voted Dem for POTUS over the last 4 cycles by a median of over 7 points and has given Trump 43% and 42% of the vote