
I’m seeing people talk about “designated protest zones” and “law-abiding protests.” Seriously, what the fuck are we doing here.
it's so cool that liberals are suddenly deciding that early 2000s bush admin stuff was right actually and that we're insane for having ever questioned it.
This is what happens when your political beliefs are based on virtue signaling and not theory or coherent ideology. :/
I used to think it cringe whenever a conservative would cry “virtue signalling” any time a lib would say something about . I still think it cringe, but when it comes to libs - they have a point.
they really are all just outright admitting they only opposed the iraq war and the patriot act and things like that because they disliked bush personally so much. kind of like how biden doing the exact things they criticized trump for suddenly becomes okay because biden doesn't tweet about it
There is one difference - Biden wears aviators and licks ice cream.
i'm an anarchobidenist now jack!
you joke but I guarantee someone on tumblr or bird website calls themselves that “ironically” but will then defend it when prodded
I used to think "scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds" was way too hyperbolic but after watching thousands of people with blue wave emojis salivating like dogs for students to be arrested... Yeah yall were on point.
Me too, I thought it was a bit much, surely not. Nope. Seeing the hordes of blue MAGA talking shit about protestors and dick riding a genocide was a huge eye opener for me. I’ve been anti fascist for years, and with this I admit my eyes were closed.
It is hard to swallow the black pill of accepting how bad things are when one is not confronted with it openly. It’s no fun, the knowledge of evil is a curse, but someone has to know it so that we can help others see, and if enough of them see, maybe we will stop putting up with it.
I say this with /absolutely zero/ joy or smugness: one of the most tiring things about being a communist is being right all the time
That’s why I’m a socialist - I’m only right most of the time. Less tiring that way 😂
Every conservative accusation is a confession, but also, fuck a liberal.
There is that too. The projection is very real with them.
I think there is a fundamental truth needed to understand ideological Democrats: they haven’t abandoned any of the principles of Christian culture or conservatism, they just changed the nouns. Hold it up as a razor to their actions and see if it doesn’t start to make a bit more sense.