Spencer M Ross

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Spencer M Ross


• associate professor: consumer welfare, marketplace justice, consumer tech, fulbright scholar in coffee (🇨🇴)
• infodumping flaneur: politics, xennial, specialty coffee, judaism, seinfeld, bebop, fakenadian, #GoHabsGo
🏡 Boston area (he/him)
In light of July 4 weekend, I come back to this @scalzi.com tweet. (I come back to it often.)
At Zion now. And I've seen Trump flags flying off pickup trucks in the area. These people are fucking dolts.
“They want to eliminate national parks” is a very simple way to get just about anyone on the Stop Project 2025 train. Are there much more glaring and life-threatening goals of P25? Yes but even your most bigoted cousin does not want to see the parks system sold for parts.
He does have the ability to clean up, however, his Hitler hairdo is making me feel ill and we have crashed his party...
Suprise: unwashed fascist ghoul Matthew Walther - who wrote a column that the New York Times just published advising Americans not to vote - did in fact vote in 2020 and 2022. It’s time for us to stop tolerating these ratfucking liars.
Wrote this in Feb 2021. Add in Rucho, Loper Bright, Snyder, Corner Post, Fischer, and Trump. The absolutely most disastrous court.
Should be no surprise whom I'm rooting for through the rest of Copa (eg, tomorrow).
Williamsburg in 2024 is not dissimilar to Williamsburg in 2009, other than succumbing to late-stage capitalist branding. Anyways, this guy is just keeping it simple.
Always nice to visit Washington Square...
Honestly don't know why it's problematic. I'm bringing some on a road trip in two weeks because I never know when I'm hitting a coffee desert (will be in the desert, so quite literally also). And I never trust conference coffee, either. intelligence.coffee/2024/06/spec...
Poland show up today. Meanwhile, France field a ridiculous world class squad and only get an own goal and a penalty kick in three matches. Geez.
First cycle coding coffee interviews...
The point where Star Trek definitely borrows from Doctor Who... (yes, there was a crossover comic book series)
If you see this, post a photo you made at sunset.
if you see this, post a photo you made at sunset
I feel like the world lately has been telling me to (metaphorically) go fly a kite. So I went to Castle Island, watched planes come in and out of Logan, and then I did (literally).
The rabbis of the Talmud forbid thinking about Torah when you are in the bathroom. But if a thought about Torah comes up when you are in the bathroom, and you suppress it by remembering that the Talmud forbids such thoughts in such places, you are thinking about Torah, and violating the rule.
Anyways, for some reason we're not attaching "convicted felon" to our qualifiers...
I think of the 1998 MECC classic for Apple II, Miner's Cave.
Meanwhile in my Burlington... (I like how they had to add the smiley with sunglasses as though it's still cool.)
Pepsi is a better beverage than Coke. I will not be taking questions on this absolute fact.
Credit for the NYT actually calling him "former president and current felon." You'd figure they'd have been wishy washy about it.
Quick visit to town Pride before Saturday afternoon soccer...
Remind me again when Judge Engoron makes it become just "Tower"
JUST NOW: I’m across from Trump Tower where Trump just returned from his guilty verdict. He walked to the corner of 5th Avenue, waved at the crowd gathered and raised his fist.
sorry but I think we've hit peak "fast food is too expensive" discourse...just saw someone hit the "why are you as a socialist buying food from a multinational corporation" my guy are your politics so pure that you have never, not once, craved one of them little mcdonalds hashbrowns