Spencer M Ross

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Spencer M Ross


• associate professor: consumer welfare, marketplace justice, consumer tech, fulbright scholar in coffee (🇨🇴)
• infodumping flaneur: politics, xennial, specialty coffee, judaism, seinfeld, bebop, fakenadian, #GoHabsGo
🏡 Boston area (he/him)
You had me at “exceedingly dry in-jokes for recherché subcultures”
Reposted byAvatar Spencer M Ross
"As Conduition found, if you’ve bought a ticket, this token can be extracted from within the Ticketmaster app (or in some cases from Ticketmaster’s desktop website), exported to a third-party platform, and tickets can then be generated on that third-party platform." burn Ticketmaster to the ground
This is wild: Ticketmaster introduced 'non-transferrable' tickets, so resales would have to happen on its own platform (further monopolization). Now scalpers have worked with hackers to reverse engineer the barcodes, makes them transferrable www.404media.co/scalpers-are...
Scalpers Work With Hackers to Liberate Ticketmaster's ‘Non-Transferable’ Ticketswww.404media.co Scalpers have reverse-engineered how Ticketmaster creates tickets, and are now generating and selling them on their own parallel infrastructure.
We could structure society so wage surplus was redistributed to wage deficits/societal benefits. Instead, we let people choose whether/how to spend surplus (incentivizing with tax breaks), creating consumer competition among orgs for that surplus. Philanthrocapitalism is a neoliberal policy choice.
honestly I think motives matter MORE when doing charity. philanthrocapitalism only reinforces inequality.
Charitable Choice As Neoliberal Social Welfare Strategy on JSTORwww.jstor.org Robert P. Weiss, Charitable Choice As Neoliberal Social Welfare Strategy, Social Justice, Vol. 28, No. 1 (83), Welfare & Punishment In the Bush Era (Spring 2001), pp. 35-53
The paradox is the absolute irony of it all.
In light of July 4 weekend, I come back to this @scalzi.com tweet. (I come back to it often.)
Im kind of wondering if they maybe gave the parks all biblical names if that would get the philosemites going...
At Zion now. And I've seen Trump flags flying off pickup trucks in the area. These people are fucking dolts.
“They want to eliminate national parks” is a very simple way to get just about anyone on the Stop Project 2025 train. Are there much more glaring and life-threatening goals of P25? Yes but even your most bigoted cousin does not want to see the parks system sold for parts.
The further back you go, the more elegant the hockey games were played.
We spend much of our time talking to other people about other people.
My 11 year old wants to know why, if everyone agrees prices are too high and they should go down, the president and congress can't just make prices go down. And I think she has backdoored her way into understanding a command economy.
That fucking stutter step is annoying af.
So France still can't score in open play... And going up against Diogo Costa...
Hot take dump with the confidence of my neurodivergent pattern recognition
Based on my research on equity in marketing exchange, this has long been my contention. You'll capture about 20% of the market going altruistically; if you want to pull the market, it has to be through self-interest appeal. (For better and for worse, this is how Elon cracked the EV market code.)
He does have the ability to clean up, however, his Hitler hairdo is making me feel ill and we have crashed his party...
Suprise: unwashed fascist ghoul Matthew Walther - who wrote a column that the New York Times just published advising Americans not to vote - did in fact vote in 2020 and 2022. It’s time for us to stop tolerating these ratfucking liars.
Is Bohemian Rhapsody a good song?
SAO PAULO (AP) — Brazil's federal police indict ex-President Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association, source confirms.
So how are folks who aren't following me seeing mine if it hasn't been reposted? Or vice versa?
We are still paying airlines a 9/11 Security Fee. 1) what does it go to vis a vis TSA that TSA budgeting doesn't get? 2) what if it instead went to the $175 billion needed to decarbonize flight?
Airlines say they’ve found a route to climate-friendly flyingwww.vox.com Cleaner, faster, cheaper — the aviation industry’s plan to decarbonize air travel, explained.
At the least in this picture, Walther looks like a poor man's Richard Spencer.
Hopefully someone will check the Michigan voter file to see if it is true that this lad does not vote
Am I missing how one reads the quote skeets of someone else's skeet?
I can see who reskeeted something but I don't see the quote skeet?
Oh fuck, NYT is publishing Walther now???
I feel like this is all but inevitable and if Biden is stalling on purpose to take the oxygen from Trump, boy, it might be the shrewdest political gamble of his career. Or, he's just a stubborn old man. In which case, it's a twofer.
Behind the Curtain: Kamala Harris' massive edgewww.axios.com Some Democratic elders tell us the drama would electrify an exhausted, disconsolate party.
After reading this, I'm not sure that-- after the hand-wringing about Biden dropping out and then the hand-wringing about who would replace him-- that it wouldn't be Harris. www.axios.com/2024/07/04/k...
The candidate has to be Biden or Harris. Anything else is just a fantasy. You want Harris-Whitmer, Harris-Manchin, Harris-Shapiro, Harris-Moore? Fine! But the top of the ticket is gonna be Biden or Harris and that’s the only thing that makes sense.
Behind the Curtain: Kamala Harris' massive edgewww.axios.com Some Democratic elders tell us the drama would electrify an exhausted, disconsolate party.
There's a bunch of post debate polls out. Waiting on the post SCOTUS decision polls...