
we spent decades refining the model of “the computer gives the right answer” and I remain unconvinced people wish to replace this with “the computer gives the wrong answer, but in plausible-sounding words”
No notes, GPT. 10/10.
i do like how they are like fae. very powerful entities you can ask questions of who are just as likely to deceive you as help you and also you can bind them with cleverly worded requests to make them do something they don't 'want' to do
also like fae - can be defeated by cold iron (this piece of rebar i hit the computer with)
its why every computer should come with a dedicated off switch (crow bar)
give me the ability to replace batteries on laptops, tablets, and phones
ultimate off button
not sure what the state of the right to repair is but hopeing something comes of that movement. it is interesting to me how much of it is led by like ag workers and farming equipment and not tech consumers
same (honestly the one thing I miss about my old slidephone compared to my smartphone... which I only replaced in like 2021/2022, was that I could replace the battery on it)
I think AI is interesting in the sense that applying big data to the internet somehow results in massive copyright violations and insane amounts of racism. Who would have thunk
Like that “three countries in Africa starting with the letter K” seemed to be very clearly just a racist joke
Teslas can be trapped in a circle of salt. AI can be foiled by wordplay. The inhuman voices on your phone offer you tempting deals. Nothing ever dies, it just gets a fresh coat of paint and some googly eyes.
you can contain ai driven vehicles in a circle of salt. either ai escapes to the past and becomes the fae or someone from the future escapes to the past and warns us of the dangers of ai with fae tales
Broke: Fairy Woke: Fae Bespoke: Fa.i.
This is why I’m not concerned about AI becoming unleashed on the world. Just keep some cold iron around in case they get out of hand, it’s fine
Iron binding for Fae-I.