
I try to separate snowden the leaker from snowden the poster but man,,,
the latest Snowden leak: his brain from his ears
wait did you ever read the article from some years ago on if I recall why he leaked
Im not sure which article youre referencing but i am v familiar with him and friends with some of the people that worked on patching the shit he leaked
it was like, I think a The Guardian or The Wired from some years ago on stuff like, him mentioning his outrage as a forum poster on Obama's proposals to restrict gun ownership, his praise for Ron Paul, etc
Oh yeah i know what youre talking about, i think his motivations were complicated. Partly disgruntled at work partly concern about these systems. His politics are not great tho
The other problem is he lies like,,,a lot. I do think tho he was genuinely concerned with natsec overreach i just dont know if that would be enough to convince him to leak if he wasnt disgruntled. also deepthroat was a fashy lite guy that leaked because he got passed over at fbi so idunno