
I try to separate snowden the leaker from snowden the poster but man,,,
the latest Snowden leak: his brain from his ears
wait did you ever read the article from some years ago on if I recall why he leaked
Im not sure which article youre referencing but i am v familiar with him and friends with some of the people that worked on patching the shit he leaked
And there were genuine alarming shit in his leaks ie MUSCULAR was awful, and we also have no idea what all was in the archive. The research team wasnt qualified and greenwald would only escalate random docs to outside expert review rather than let them see the cache and figure out whats important
it was like, I think a The Guardian or The Wired from some years ago on stuff like, him mentioning his outrage as a forum poster on Obama's proposals to restrict gun ownership, his praise for Ron Paul, etc
Oh yeah i know what youre talking about, i think his motivations were complicated. Partly disgruntled at work partly concern about these systems. His politics are not great tho
The other problem is he lies like,,,a lot. I do think tho he was genuinely concerned with natsec overreach i just dont know if that would be enough to convince him to leak if he wasnt disgruntled. also deepthroat was a fashy lite guy that leaked because he got passed over at fbi so idunno
thanks, that was the one I was thinking of; trying to think how I forgot about the New Republic there for it
I've had that tab open for weeks (again)
>.> I have had that happen too many times myself.
yea he didn't dislike the national security state so much as didn't like a black man being in charge of it.
i think thats a misread of the him tbqh
his reaction to the elon musk/don lemon interview is probably the cleanest distillation of what he really thinks.