
He signed a bill addressing Parkinson's literally yesterday. Give me your job
Breaking News: A Parkinson’s expert visited the White House eight times in eight months from last summer through this spring, according to official visitor logs. The administration has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease.
Parkinson’s Expert Visited the White House Eight Times in Eight The White House has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease and that there has been no reason to update the most recent testing, conducted in February.
Oh sorry it was a six ago, point still stands
[NYT Interview] Interviewer: So do you know how to use google to check basic facts? Me: Yeah? Interviewer: Get the fuck out of my office.
Take their job in whatever the journalism equivalent of Highlander is You know, with lightning and Queen
My god. This is such embarrassing and irresponsible journalism. I got a whole ass email about it too.
Fox News for readers at an eighth-grade level instead of a fourth.
Jesus. The New York Times is now even more anti-Biden than Fox.
There are some really opportunistic people at the NYT, not doing due diligence
no, don't do it, you will become lying gray goop
Doesn’t the bill not even have any guaranteed funding attached? Feels kinda improbable that a disease advocate gets a monthly WH meeting for something relatively small potatoes. Maybe I’m wrong.
It mandates HHS which will be funded and it was lobbied for a bunch of big Parkinson groups
A bipartisan bill with no new spending just doesn’t seem likely to me to command this kind of WH attention. This wasn’t complex legislation. Also the reporters did go to the WH for comment and if this were the reason for his visits, it’d be pretty easy to share. They didn’t.
I don't think Biden has Parkinsons or was ever suspected by any doctor to have Parkinson which is the ludicrous implication of the reporting
They're not even trying to have a pretense of reporting.
I’m not agreeing with the reporting, I’m saying the insinuation that this neurologist was there working on this leg also lacks evidence
I think it's best to consider these hoofprints as belonging to a horse for the time being, though.
Isn't it absolutely standard in Congress to have separate authorization and appropriations bills?
For ref: “Some authorization laws provide spending directly. In fact, well over half of federal spending now goes to programs for which the authorizing legislation itself creates budget authority. Such spending is referred to as direct, or mandatory, spending.”
Budget Process | United States Senate Committee on United States Senate Committee on Appropriations
Research spending has always been discretionary. The law that created the National Science Foundation in 1950 had no guaranteed spending. But the bill has consistently been seen as very important, both at the time and in historical perspective.
It’s not true that research spending is always discretionary. For example the 21st Century Cures Act authorized $6.3 billion, largely to NIH. I have to sign off. Take care.
21st Century Cures Bill Released | The U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & WASHINGTON, DC – House and Senate health committee leaders have released the final
This is discretionary. The funding in the authorization bill that you cite was a wish-list, but by no means guaranteed: "The Cures Act allocates funding to NIH over each of the next 10 years, for a total of $4.8 billion. However, funding must be appropriated each year." The Cures Act, formally known as H.R. 34 or the 21st Century Cures Act, provides NIH with critical tools and resources to advance biomedical research across the spectrum, from foundational basic
proven once again that money buys bias and the gray lady is a putain