
I wonder if the billionaire class and their political lapdogs really understand public trust in the Rule of Law is the only thing keeping the torches and pitchforks in sheds and basements.
A successful mass uprising against a fascist government in the U.S. would be nearly impossible to pull off. Geographically, the country is too large, too spread out, for effective coordination of civilian efforts. We live in a surveillance state. No uprising will last long enough to get traction.
Only the cities matter. And they are, all of them, blue enclaves. The vast emptiness between them is irrelevant.
Blue enclaves, each occupied by a MAGA-friendly police force equipped with military grade weapons and vehicles. A recipe for disaster.
I lived in one of those enclaves through the BLM protests. The police can't possibly hope to contain a coordinated uprising. We were being nice.
I’m doubtful. If the cops go weapons-free, I doubt most civilian protests will hold the line.
We didn't bring our weapons to the protests.
I think they have faith in the ability of their personal security details and the security state to protect them. But I'm sure that they don't understand that public trust in the rule of law is the only thing keeping their portfolio values high. Given enough power, they WILL crash the economy.
It is that and fear of setting precedent or ramping up escalation of force. Both of those are soaked in comforting lies society tells itself, but that's where we are.