
Sometimes you get the hero you need etc etc
I often think that Stancil gets out over his skis but this is an entirely rational take
Stancil argues any opinion he has about anything with the exact same (maximum) level of intensity, which makes it fantastic when he's on point and incredibly annoying if he's even slightly off.
In unrelated news, he was an EVE Online guy.
This explains an incredible amount about him, actually.
Anything short of 150% assertiveness and non-stop paranoid anxiety means your whole corp gets killed by some guy named "the Merovingian" working for the "Jade Peacock Society", who has been pretending to be a Vietnamese STEM major for 18 months to get access to the central controls.
I have no interest in playing EVE Online but the drama is really fascinating. The thing where someone flew across the world to cut someone's power at the opportune time is delightful
If we're talking about the same story, I don't think there were flights involved- it was "locate the Russian player's exact house through IP tracing, then pay another Russian guy known to live in the same country to cut the power."
That's probably the one. Still a great story