
I'm sympathetic to Ukraine, but it is blatantly obvious that US support has been primarily about funneling money to defense contractors while slowly bleeding Ukraine in order to slowly bleed Russia. There was a diplomatic solution at the beginning of this that was ignored in favor of these goals.
New Popular Front's program to simultaneously support Ukraine in its war for national defense and Palestine in its fight against apartheid is, and should be, the standard for the Left.
When the initial invasion occurred neither Ukraine nor anyone else had any more diplomatic avenues available than Czechoslovakia had in 1939. Russia was determined to embark on a war of conquest, period. Previous Crimea + Donbas invasions were also Russian escalations
it's definitely a war of conquest and not a response to a uniting European front on Russia's western border
The democratically demonstrated choice of the people of Ukraine was further economic and institutional integration with Europe AND peace with Russia. If that threatens Russia that is Russia's problem! Zelensky was the somewhat more pro-Russian candidate in 2019 in many ways
if the people of Ukraine want to vote themselves into a crippling IMF loan, that's their prerogative. but if you think the pro-Western politicians are better than the pro-Russian politicians, I don't think you're actually paying attention
I'm paying much closer attention than you, because it seems pretty obvious that EU-aligned states with EU-derived institutions are doing far better along almost every metric than Russian-aligned ones. Lithuania is far, far better off than Belarus
LMAO, yes, Donald Tusk is vastly better than Aleksandr Lukashenko. And even the relatively shitty previous Polish leadership could at least be voted out because they had liberal, EU-style institutions! Utter clown opinion to say otherwise
sucks for Russia who are unable to subjugate developing countries to establish sweatshops and steal minerals to enrich themselves but I guess Western chauvinism makes you happy. who am I to judge?
Hey, don’t feel bad! Russia has a big presence in developing countries and they’re doing all kinds of mineral extraction.
Anti-Russian sentiment brings a smile to my face these days. May Russia devolve into a few dozen impotent principalities.
genocidal rhetoric from a person who couldn't punch their way out of a wet paper bag will never not be funny
Ukraine has been punching entirely through Rashist chest cavities many times a day, so idk what the fuck you're talking about, vatnik
Which Euro countries currently have heads of state who reliably assassinate unfriendly journalists? Not even in Hungary, though that could certainly change.