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I work with communities and wonderful troublemakers to expand access to justice and opportunity for everyone.

Midwest based. Please send WoSo takes or favorite recipes.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
Today reminds us that fascists aren’t just not inevitable winners, they are, as Woody Guthrie perfectly put it, bound to lose.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
So for all the narrative about the inevitable slide into anti-immigrant populism, four of Western Europe's five largest countries now have left or center left governments?
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
Russia's losses are staggering. Likely over 400k now. More casualties than US in all post-WWII wars combined, and more than USSR/Russia in all post-WWII, pre-Ukraine conflicts combined. They can't do this forever. They say they can, trying to get Ukraine and the West to fold. But they really can't.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
For folks who've appreciated my coverage of the French elections... is quite different—but we cover US politics with such attention to detail. So give us a follow if you've enjoyed this, and care about the US. And our newsletter is free!
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
It's depressing and infuriating how long we've had to pretend that Bibi is some sort of Great Man of History, rather than an obvious criminal whose every move is determined entirely by his short-term interests, with zero regard for anyone else on Earth.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
Man i have been saying for a minute that voters everywhere are rejecting fascist shit and it’s only the media that makes us think otherwise, but it’s nice to see that in play right now
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
tom nichols—of all people???—just made a good point: you have to talk about P2025 in simple real people terms. not policy wonk terms.
if you’re talking about project 2025 on tv you need to spell out what it means beyond an authoritarian blueprint!!
Really really hope Chawinga is okay. That shot on goal is promising, but I’m still worried. That tackle was awful.
What a statement goal from Chawinga! That was emphatic. #KCBABY
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
you are not crazy, this is an entirely true statement that many, many more people need to print out, tape up to their mirror, and ground themselves with every morning. it is fucking JULY. everybody needs to pop an edible and calm the fuck down.
Am I fucking crazy, or has this been one shitty debate performance, followed by a week plus of story after story about "panic" etc? No new evidence that he's unable to do it, just constant "people are saying"?
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
I gotta say that people are having a lot of trouble distinguishing cognitive decline (Trump) from age-related changes in expression (Biden). Biden is elderly and talks like it. Trump literally does not have preserved reality-testing
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
nuked from orbit 🫡🫡
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
Biden passed the most aggressive climate package in US history and probably ever again and I feel like the environmental beat is the only place we’re covering it
And fwiw, on domestic policy, legislative achievement and macro-economic stewardship the former is an argument I have made on our show many many many times.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
Say what you will about the various Democratic party actors in the fight over whether Biden stays on the ticket, but I can understand all of their behavior much better than I can the journalists who are trying to write their way into the camps
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
On this July 4, please pause to remember that one of the colonists’ complaints in the Declaration was that the Crown was paying its judges.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
just watched 74 people speaking at least a dozen different languages become american citizens in a ceremony at monticello, where the speakers were themselves children of immigrants. inspiring stuff and a vivid illustration of what reactionaries want to snuff out
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
when the editors of the new york times are trying to give you a gift, but you’re all so high on the same stuff you can’t accept it
“A senior source involved with…Trump’s 2024 effort… and another person working with the Heritage-based Project 2025 (the conservative policy agenda project) tell Rolling Stone that the point of these multi-pronged legal attack plans and potential blitz of challenges isn’t necessarily to win…”
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
The Times is driving Democratic political discourse while devoting itself to maximum trolling for clicks
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
I just donated $500 to for them to continue doing important work like this. Support preservation of digital assets. Donate $5 if you can. Invest in the things you value.
You want your MTV? ⬇️
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
A viral story that alleges Ukraine's Olena Zelenska recently bought a rare Bugatti car in Paris is the work of an AI-powered disinformation operation, run by an ex-Florida cop now based in Moscow, that pumps out a network of fake news websites aimed at Americans.
A Bugatti, a first lady and the fake stories aimed at A former US police officer runs an AI-powered network of misleading news sites turning its sights towards November.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
San Diego Wave respond by calling the post “categorically false” and “defamatory” BEFORE they’ve conducted an investigation. For me, this statement is having the opposite of its intended effect. This reads like the statement from an organization that is exactly how it has been described.
Jill Ellis, someone said recently, was named four times in the Yates report with no repercussions. That might be changing after someone recently of the SD Wave is speaking out.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
"At least 200 candidates from both the left-wing alliance and President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist coalition pulled out of the order to unite behind those remaining contenders with the best chance of beating Le Pen’s nationalists"
French election: Rivals unite against Le Pen’s far Hundreds of candidates from Macron’s camp and the left-wing alliance withdraw in an effort to keep the National Rally out.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
Never stops making me mad every time I see it: if we had begun the process of eliminating fossil fuels in the 1990s, it would've been a relatively shallow curve. Climate deniers and delayers have put us in a position where the same temp limits require a cliff-like drop in emissions.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
I don’t want politics to be exciting. I want politicians to GET THINGS DONE. I don’t go to the post office for a fucking rave
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
Would very much like media to ask voters if they think Trump is too much of a convicted felon to run for president, or too corrupt, or too much of a sexual abuser, or for fucks sake, too old, and then run those stories every day.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
Functional political systems are *supposed to be* boring! It should be sewage specialists arguing over what size pipe is most efficient for the city layout! It should be debates over whether to put a mural or a frieze in the new park! “Interesting politics” are when people start dying!