
From "Today's election day in Texas. Four years ago, Hervis Rogers was called a hero when he waited in line 6 hours to vote. But Texas prosecuted him for casting that ballot, and while he still urges others to do their civic duty, he's decided he'll never vote again:"
His life became a 'nightmare' when he went viral for voting in Texas. The trauma still Voting in Texas can be a legal minefield for those who do not fully understand the state's ever-changing restrictions. Just ask Hervis Rogers.
This story is symbolic of many things wrong with voting rights in America. No one should have to stand in line for 6 hours to vote. We still have Jim Crow-era laws used to ban Black voters. A goal of selective prosecutions & voting hurdles is to intimidate eligible voters of color into not voting
From "Today's election day in Texas. Four years ago, Hervis Rogers was called a hero when he waited in line 6 hours to vote. But Texas prosecuted him for casting that ballot, and while he still urges others to do their civic duty, he's decided he'll never vote again:"
His life became a 'nightmare' when he went viral for voting in Texas. The trauma still Voting in Texas can be a legal minefield for those who do not fully understand the state's ever-changing restrictions. Just ask Hervis Rogers.
What I want to know is how he got charged for voting while still on parole, then charges were dismissed, then refiled, then finally a judge said no crime had occurred? Seems like that should have been a simple black and white matter that became a DIFFERENT kind of black vs. white matter.
Everyone, including prisoners and felons, should be able to vote.
They have returned in force since Roberts gutted the voting rights act
What a poor man, many sympathies.
THIS is republiconism in action.
An example of “No good deed goes unpunished “
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