Stephen Walker he, him

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Stephen Walker he, him

Disabled Old Man. Was involved in politics. Was Military then Government. Still reads SF with the right glasses
I believe the Climate is changing and support Women's Choice
I won't follow back if you have no posts. I Block Hamas, Russia and MAGA supporters
Kids at his school thought that Thomas Matthew Crooks was a likely school shooter
The Trump campaign had tagged him and his family as MAGA supporters in 2016
I am just so disgusted with American Police whom I've always known were mostly dumb brutes. But I expected better of an elite agency A lot has to do with Congress deciding what funding the Secret Service gets. Democratic President = less funding because MAGA/GOP/Republican politicians aren't smart
They have 2 living Republican former Presidents that are under Secret Service protection Cutting Secret Service funding means local Police Officers have to do security work instead of giving traffic tickets and beating people that aren't properly subservient Clearly Police can't do Security
The failure was a Police Officer that didn't radio in a "man with a gun" sighting and didn't ready his sidearm before climbing the ladder to the roof Despite witnesses telling him there was a man with a rifle on the roof, he didn't believe them So, he arrived at the top of the ladder unprepared
Procedure is Get on radio, report the issue and say what you are doing about it Prepare your sidearm for rapid need. You aren't going to be able to ready it if there is actually a man with a gun on the roof If there is a man with a gun, it's a "good shoot" to engage if he doesn't obey you exactly
If the Police Officer had been competent and followed procedure, the only dead or wounded person would have been Thomas Matthew Crooks Since the toughest thing that Police Officer has ever done is bully babies - he failed on all counts
If the Secret Service Sniper had been informed of the "man on the roof with a gun" He would have engaged if Thomas Crooks had heard the Police Officer on the ladder and moved to cover the ladder or if he had moved to point the rifle at the Police Officer, either would be a "good shoot"
This is why you have a Sniper on overwatch. But Thomas Matthew Crooks was on a roof to the left of the stage, he was shooting side to side on the stage and not front to rear The picture of the sniper team shows them concentrating to the front of the stage Telling them where the threat is was vital
Betting that the owner thought driving through salt water would be fun
😂So, a long retroactive gift😂 The kids caring for them? Need I mention that I've never met a horse that didn't like Caramilk Bars? The horse would fail a drug test if it was in competition, but that's really for race horses
So, someone immediately dropped a dime and told Donald Trump about the proposal? Boy, what a loyal lot the Democratic Party are
Obviously a good thing but at least a whiff of barn door/bolted horse going on here
You got your kids horses as gifts!!?? I don't know about boys, but every little girls dream I used to know a little girl who's every conversation included "Riding on my Horse"😂😂
😂"Severely is the only acceptable answer. Be purrfect"😂
The Morning Monty wants to know how his grandparents plan to spoil him today
The USA has to start treating the threat level seriously for both the Trump/Vance and Biden/Harris campaigns The people that Iran would use are already in the USA. The security services should count on that. The 911 teams were in the USA for 2 years before 911 An almost successful attack breeds more
Personally, I don't think that Biden has anything to gain with a second "debate" with Trump. It will just be Trump yelling a continuous litany of lies and insults like the last one Biden does better when the other person isn't permitted to yell over him
Biden defends 'mental acuity' in feisty new U.S. President Joe Biden defended both his "mental acuity" and his rhetoric about Donald Trump Monday, in a second TV interview aimed at ending calls for him to quit his reelection bid following a dis...
Yup. "Come see J.D. Vance, D.J. Trump played 18 holes today and can't attend"
Start billing JD Vance first and he will be out there every time.