
Fascinating and a bit depressing, except that the author is brave and doing a great job. Thanks for passing this on.
What is the starting point for discussion with people who choose to be ignorant, racist & misinformed?
My experience is that they need to have a personal connection with someone that goes against their preconceived notions. Once they have that, empathy becomes easier, and some of the barriers fall. But with echo chambers and small town mindness, that’s hard to do.
Agreed. Quiet and truthful conversations matter
My father in law was against gay marriage. We asked him what his issue was, he said he was against promiscuity, and felt gay people were promiscuous. We turned it around on him and said, isn’t marriage about monogamy? He thought about it, and came around. And it changed his whole perspective.
There isn't one. They'd need a working mind and/or open mind for a discussion. They refused, or were denied, ever having one.
The United States is governed from the perspective that racism is supposed to be subsidized & protected.
So is Canada. And the UK. And so many other places. The US is just a bit more obvious and, yes, stupid about it.
As a AMAB person raised by a number of high-end old skool feminists (like, "Got A Management Job In Ottawa In The '50s" feminists!), this just makes me... Shudder in terror. But, that's how they were raised, and were told to think. But, then again, there is this:
And On the Third God created the remington bolt-action rifle rifle so that man could fight the dinosaurs..............and the homosexuals.(Amen)Mean girls clip.
That literally could be from a documentary at this point.
You mean like how Idiocracy has become? Except that Idiocracy is even better than what we're dealing with IRL?
In 1970, convent school in the back end of nowhere, our English Language textbook had passages followed by grammar and language exercises (there/their, etc) Took me 20 years to realise every passage was about a female role model. Grace Darling Florence Nightingale Marie Curie Edith Cavell...
I give zero credit to any women in the south who believe they can educate their children. Personally I think they are too much in the Jesus fan club for me. Not worth my time
I am anti homeschool for reasons outlined in this article and more.
there is exactly zero hope for the homeschooled youth of this country.
Throwing the kids under the bus? How about, if there’s breath there’s hope?
That's a self-comforting cop out. Undoing the damage of fascist homeschooling would be more a task of blind luck than anything that can be done at scale. They're taught to want to hang people like me, so I'm not holding out any hope.
As a former teacher, there’s this annoying fact of a genuine diploma, which requires state testing. Those kids come to school for the test and get a very clear lesson from their peers. Some shape up— they do. Some never do: those are the dangerous ones
There's a lot of horrors in what the far right has done to children, but there's a perpetual nagging voice in the back of my head asking "what happens when the parents die." I'm not wishing death, but it will happen one day. What happens to all these people they're raising to be brainless?
Canon fodder and warehouse labor
We're not going to make it.
I recall at a young age, derogatory comments made about Bonnie Franklin (One day at a Time), and Jane Fonda (feminists). It was my 1st glimpse into the dangers of insecurity, imo, the driver of h8! Things that threaten others are immed. stigmatized and it's so difficult to change perception.
I really thought that C19 school at home was gonna be the straw we needed to finally convince enough people that homeschooling needs to die. I gave parents too much credit for self awareness.
One notable observation of her conventions promoting girl empowerment is her having to overcome the ignorance of adult women of the value of the material. These women are enthusiastically drinking the Kool-aid of whatever religious/political fanaticism they latch on to despite the detriment to all
Ah geez. No , it has to do with economic survival, yo. Their marriage is the only chance they have If you’re gunna be a feminist, understand women. Many are subject to generations of oppression in forms often not considered. Try kindness and empathy for them— works well
“Marriage is the only chance they have”? I don’t believe that. I was raised in a family of women in the 70’s. Small town mentality, lack of education, marry sociology & psychology & bastardize logical arguments & there you have it.
Of course WE don’t— we read, they do not. Many poorly read women truly see marriage as their only viable economic opportunity; which is far better than having a kid and trying to survive on that pittance, but have known women who did that too
I think it's always been like this, it's just that the mainstream is finally starting to see the truth of how extreme these groups are.
There's a reason Evangelicals are such big fans of homeschooling-- the whole point is to give their kids a tightly controlled, conservative religious education and insulate them from the rest of the world.
In my experience (and I realize this is entirely anecdotal), the people who tend to be more open-minded are the ones who have traveled outside of their community and seen different cultures first hand.
Reading helps quite a bit. For example, I gave Persepolis to an 8th grader, whose stepfather is abusive. As soon as the narrative starts the violence, the kid froze. There’s far more to education than most posts reveal This kid is already fried; opening him to other lives requires delicacy
Yes, this is why the same crowd that supports homeschooling is desperately trying to ban books featuring diverse perspectives.
John Oliver just did a show on US homeschooling… very eye opening.
Todavía estoy alucinando con esto, es la misma hipocresía y la misma mierda que aquí, la mitad de mi familia es la clásica opusina meapilas de manual y las tácticas, el tono, las formas, son idénticas. La misma bazofia hecha hipérbole. Y no son monstruos ni malas personas, subjetivamente
Objetivamente merecen el meteorito, merecen ser lapidados públicamente por ofensas al raciocinio y el más elemental de los sentidos comunes
"We are wondering what rhymes with Jerusalem" ... oh man.