
Hannah Arendt perfectly anticipates a profound truth about Trump, right-wing media, and the Republican Party 70 years before the fact.
Her reference to the "gruesome quiet" of the lying totalitarian fantasy points to the need in propaganda to silence true things as well as to affirmatively lie. Why "fact checking" affirmative statements badly fails to address key deeper deceptions in the propaganda that sustains the RW news silo.
I took it upon myself to read /The Origins of .../ in the early days of the Trump admin, highlighting only the most pertinent and prescient passages. I found, by the time I got to the notes, that I had highlighted (probably) a little more than half the book. Including, I'm sure, this.
And the profound, sad truth that humans and our societies are vulnerable to this kind of manipulation.
I don't like her use of "human mind" (as opposed to "moronic mind") but it's Hannah Arendt and it was 1950, so, ok.