Alice Stollmeyer

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Alice Stollmeyer

Founder & Executive Director of @DefendDemocracy. Busy defending democracy against hybrid & technological threats.

🏆Politico’s #Power40

I’m also on Mastodon: @[email protected]

Defend Democracy:
So two dudebros with direct lines to Putin were psyoping a candidate to pick a guy as VP who believes every country should “defend themselves” — a dream come true for Russia and China. Cool cool cool
How J.D. Vance Won Over Donald It started with a meeting at Mar-a-Lago more than three years ago. Later, Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk and other key allies made direct appeals on his behalf.
The Republican Party has nominated a man for Vice President who says he would have ended American democracy if he’d had that role in 2021.
That Vance is a direct line to Thiel and Andreessen is truly important. Trump wants their money. Thiel wants to sell billions in Palantir contracts to power Trump’s mass surveillance/ethnic cleansing infrastructure. Pence was the Christian Nationalists’ guy. Vance is reactionary capital’s.
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
Reminder for no particular reason that no one knows how this election will turn out, no one can foresee how an event today will impact voters’ choices four months from now, and it is still incumbent on all of us to fight fascism and not acquiesce to doom.
EU informs X / Twitter of its preliminary view that X/Twitter is in breach of EU's Digital Services Act regarding: * dark patterns * advertising transparency * data access for researchers Press release:
My colleagues & I have studied the social media aftermath of mass shooting events for a decade. We’re still processing the horrifying, abhorrent, and tragic event yesterday, which appears to be an assassination attempt on former President Trump. In case they're useful, here are some first thoughts:
Political violence has no place in a democracy. Democracy is about resolving differences through ballots, not bullets. Let's recommit to civility, respect and dignity in politics and in society — online and offline. They are key to democracy, to peace, to security.
Elon Musk's timeline this morning is an ode to fascism.
amplify this not unverified reports until we know more
Every day tragic news out of #Ukraine and still no clear plan for the defeat of madman Putin. 🖤 #нетвойне
Russian attacks on Donetsk Oblast kill 6, injure 19:
Honoured for to be joined by, one of the smartest women in tech! Plus around 75 very smart people in the audience who participated in this great exchange by asking good questions! #DefendDemocracy
Thanks @Mer__edith, President of Signal, for joining us for an inspiring & very pertinent exchange on privacy, security, AI & Big Tech! If we want to defend democracy & national security we must be more vigilant in governing tech design & digital infrastructure.
BREAKING: EU formally charges Musk's X/Twitter for failing to respect EU social media law. X/Twitter could face a multi-million euro fine in a pioneering case under EU's new Digital Services Act.
EU charges Elon Musk’s X for letting disinfo run The tech mogul’s platform is the first to get hit with charges under new EU social media law.
Based in Brussels? Don't miss the opportunity to meet @Mer__edith, president of @SignalApp! Join our @DemocracyDrinks for an informal exchange with Meredith Whittaker about privacy, security, AI & Big Tech. When: Thu 11 July 17:00-19:00 Venue: tba RSVP:
BREAKING: US, Canada & Netherlands disrupt covert Russian govt-operated, AI-enabled 'Russia Today' propaganda campaign. RT used a bot farm to disseminate disinformation to & about countries including US, Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Ukraine & Israel.
'EU Council strongly condemns all types of hybrid activities, which are on the rise.. incl sabotage & subversion.' 'In response to Russia’s destabilising [hybrid attacks targeting EU], EU Council reiterates its call.. to establish a new sanctions regime.'
Let us hope that Labour victory means the definite end of "Londongrad" as a symbol of shameful greed and moral compromission, an international scandal. Time for the UK to clean up its image, in line with its foreign policy priorities. #нетвойне ⬜️🟦⬜️
What does Labour government mean for Ukraine? Good things. Labour manifesto calls for: 1. Special Tribunal for the Crime of Aggression; 2. Seizure and repurposing of frozen Russian state assets. New Attorney General is Richard Hermer. This matters because... /1 Via Nigel Gould-Davies on X
Whether Biden drops out or continues, I expect a primary target of foreign info operations this year to be the legitimacy of the Democratic candidate and the legimitacy of the courts in relation to the the GOP candidate. Expect them to target audiences on both sides and exploit organic criticism.
'The method of hijacking and then discrediting a cause from within through extremist posturing is hallowed tradecraft to [Russia's spies].' KPIs: * rejection of status quo in liberal democracies & EU * protests against state & supranational institutions
The idea that AGI is the final answer to all of the social, administrative, and political challenges of humanity is a spiritual and ideological belief and always has been, and now it has a lot of powerful adherents who were woo’d into believing it by people often described as wannabe cult leaders
Honoured to welcome U.S. Minister Counsellor, 3 Ambassadors, 3 MEPs, EU Principal Advisor to our #TransatlanticDemocracyDialogue. Together with allies we discussed how the EU can better #DefendDemocracy.
Nobel laureate Maria Ressa urges Big Tech to act now: “There is no room to duck. This is gonna be the moment where, a decade from now, you’re gonna wanna look back and know you did everything you could. Everything. Because the world will be transformed.”
Nobel laureate Maria Ressa tells tech companies: Now is the time to ‘do something’ - Philippine journalist calls on sponsors of GlobalFact 11 fact-checking summit to protect democracy, stop spread of misinformation.
The U.S. is walking in blind into November. 'The lion’s share of election integrity work in the U.S. has either been shut down, pulled back or put at risk.' “They are working the referee to get what they want.” “A direct threat to U.S. democracy.”
The US is walking in blind into POLITICO's weekly transatlantic tech newsletter uncovers the digital relationship between critical power-centers through exclusive insights and breaking news for global technology elites and political...
"We thought we could take democracy for granted." Honoured to feature as someone with 'moral ambition' in this School for Moral Ambition podcast. About #DefendDemocracy, hybrid warfare, Big Tech, addictive design, polarisation. And about Anne Frank.
Here is #DefendDemocracy's June newsletter! 📰 Read this edition: ✏️ Sign up for future editions: ✅ Join our democracy defenders & stay tuned!
Statement The new EU #ChatControl proposal for mass scanning is the same old surveillance with new branding. Whether you call it backdoor, front door or “upload moderation”: it undermines encryption and creates significant vulnerabilities.
NATO said in 2008 that Ukraine & Georgia would join the alliance. If it had acted on its statement then, Putin would not have invaded either of them - he respects strength, not weakness. NATO is now repeating its error. What will it take to learn the lesson?
🇺🇦🚫 "NATO member countries have still not reached an agreement on inviting Ukraine to the Alliance", — Stoltenberg ❗️He assured that NATO is already drawing conclusions from the Russian-Ukrainian war. In particular, this concerns the fact that the Alliance needs to increase its stockpiles of weapons.