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she/her. teacher of political theory. haiku lover. dilly-dallier. car-free pedestrian & transit enthusiast. union member. thrifter. in search of a hobby.

@StreetTheorist in the bad place
@Street_Theorist on Instagram
meanwhile I'm over on Instagram posting pics of the books I'm reading
the number of times I see or do something cool and forget to take a picture proves I'm not fit for social media
the number of times I see or do something cool and forget to take a picture proves I'm not fit for social media
pedestrian thoughts: are they waving at me because they know me or are they just friendly?
next year's cat tour gonna feature porch concerts
may i offer you these pictures in this trying time? i bought yolo a theremin kit for xmas 3 years ago and finally got around to building it for him
when I first started teaching, it felt like my job was to help students be more critical. over the last ten years or so, it feels more and more like my job is to help them be more hopeful
when I was thinking about going to grad school the choice was between French or politics. I chose politics and some days I wonder if I just like to torment myself
Reposted byAvatar Della
craving a twist cone from DQ
the number of times I've groaned "it's so hot" out loud today is more than zero
Reposted byAvatar Della
For years I've watched a ton of people get bullied off social media/sites/forums because people held them responsible for shit they didn't do/say/embody/create. Usually it was a big/rich entity that made those calls. Usually there's racism & sexism at play. Let's fucking not keep that going here.
I really need a storm buddy
seeing Diles Que No Me Maten at the Turf this is so weird me: I know! I love it!
every once in a while I think about that one student who told me that I wear cool fits and* that I walk like a cartoon character *but?
these are the stakes
I'm not kidding. Chapter 14 of Project 2025 (see: "Agenda 47") is the part of their plan where they'd cut back medical services to the point where every poor sick & disabled person will, quite simply, not be able to afford to stay alive. This could be your grandmother, your uncle, your cousin. You.
that moon is a lopsided smile, one half of open-ended parentheses that let words spill out...
some of y'all are very crush-worthy just sayin'
while we're thinking about replacing 94 can we do something about Snelling too?
little free library but for puzzles anybody?
my dearest and most beautiful friends irl right now are people I first met on twitter. I hope I can say the same about this place someday
the only socks I want to talk about are these
the candy problem at this little free library has become a real Liam Neeson has a very particular set of skills situation "it's not going well"
thinking about hitching a ride on the borealis down to red wing or winona for a day or two
when I was a teenager, I'd spend many a summer afternoon at the movies with friends because that was one of the few places we could get cool (no AC at our houses). summer still makes me crave movie theater popcorn
I'm not gonna take advice from some happy homemaker on how to keep up with laundry if she doesn't have to walk up and down three floors to get to the washer and dryer. she's over there talking about one load every day. bitch please
me and who at the community gardens?
huh, my phone said no rain today