
reminder that Trump won in a squeaker in 2016 after cheating extravagantly and the vast majority of candidates he's endorsed since his term began have gotten shellacked at the ballot box. he's gonna get destroyed in Nov. and I'm gonna laugh about it
Not sure what has changed from then to now to suddenly have him getting “destroyed”. Not that I don’t want it to be so, I just don’t see it. It will be close again.
He should be losing by 10. It’s scary parties can be this close to electoral parity after one of them does Dobbs and J6.
Polls in this age are trash. Even pollsters will tell you it takes 10,000 phone calls, some made two and three times to the same number in order to get 900 respondents. Only exit polls matter.
By itself that just makes polling more expensive. One theory is that right wingers are now less likely to answer polls due to anti-polling sentiment from their leaders. Campaigns also still have to make choices about what’s competitive with limited info.
Pollsters: ‘Impossible’ to say why 2020 polls were A new report couldn’t answer the big question plaguing political polling: Why were surveys off by so much in 2020?
Good article but it asks more questions than it answers. The facts don't bear out that trump is a better candidate than he was in 20' and he had a lot of help in 16'. Barring Biden dropping dead Trump gets his 40% and still loses by a landslide.
40% would be like LBJ vs. Goldwater territory. I’d love to see it, but I’m not sure the media or political environment can produce those kind of landslides anymore.
No one owing $550m in judgments to state gov (that he can't pay) and currently on trial in a criminal case has ever been the nom before. We are in uncharted post Dobbs world (he takes full credit for). He's a far weaker candidate than 4 years ago.