
One thing that really got me was Kahn's statement that immigration and the economy are issues "favorable to Trump". Objective reality is that the economy is great, and criminal border crossings spiked under Trump. But voters believe the incorrect narrative, which is largely the media's fault.
"performative neutrality" is an excellent term
Trump's criminal trials, in particular, are covered through process and political stories and are not treated like alarming scandals that demand constant responses from Republicans. Big contrast with Clinton's emails, for instance, or bad faith right wing attacks on university presidents.
You should feel great shame for writing this while Genocide Joe continues to partner in the destruction of the Palestinian people.
I respect the column and what I think you’re trying to tell the two men…but I think your holding your fire a bit too. You know about why they framed the conversation with that opening statement and it’s specific to both of these gentlemen. You wouldn’t have opened with that, and Kahn knows that.
I try to say things in a way that can be heard
I respect that…I play Good Cop too. But since you do know both better than the average reader, you could have sent this as an email to them personally
Thank you for what you do and thank you for being a true American.👍👏👏👏
I have an idea for a slogan: "Democracy dies in darkness."
Great column. Not directly related, but to what extent do you think it’s in journalists’ DNA to avoid appearing to be favorable to those in power (“afflict the comfortable”) and not print anything that could be seen as a puff piece, leading to critical coverage of incumbents?
Yes, I think that’s a factor but not the main driver here.
Why would I believe you have the country's best interests at heart when you publish your column on a Nazi platform
The “corrupt, failing, biased, enemy of the people” New York Times keeps trying to straddle some imaginary fence that exists nowhere in the real world.
Excellent article, thank you! The media can choose to do ethical things. The false equivalence is so frustrating.
Writing from a flyover state, I always wonder why the NYT garners so much attention. Does it really have that much influence outside of politicos and news nerds? How much does it establish the national paradigm?
Kahn suggested that the Times is making coverage decisions based on public opinion polls. His first and biggest mistake. Polling is a low quality unregulated industry staffed by hacks. Enough of the polling industrial complex already.