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she/her ⚧
noise addict
far from the sea, uk
chapman sticks are strictly the realm of perverts. damn, just slapping away at that thing up onstage for all to see. two handed as well? shit dude
writing "NO TORIES NO TRANSPHOBES ⚧" in huge letters on my ballot was more cathartic than i thought it would be time to go hang out with some queers and forget about this shit for a night
hmm how best to spoil my ballot tomorrow
cishet luthier talking about gibson during the 60s–80s: it's all transition all the time my gay ass: he's so fucking real for this
having a lil treat (standing in front of the fridge eating black beans directly out of a lao gan ma jar)
[whispering to my date who is slowly realising the horrors they are about to face] that's jim "the hallway dancer" pennington. lynch wanted someone to moonwalk down the hall, and this kid—a drama student at mount si high school in snoqualmie washington where the school scenes for the pilot were bein
Twin Peaks: Twin Peaks high school, hallway interior.
we will hold ourselves close! we will give each other the strength to stand up and be heard! we will never be defeated!
this is important. it's scary to see many people assume that this is a uniquely british problem. the loud-mouthed terfs here in the uk also get help funding and organising from groups like cpac and the heritage foundation—and they want the same things for you, wherever you are
if you live in the US and have been considering HRT and are under 25, consider starting informed consent care as soon as you possibly can. the Cass Report in the UK will be cited here even by moderate liberals to restrict access and it’s worth already having established care before that happens
"mom says "okay" dinner's ready"
posting this one as a t4t/tired discourse around regional comfort foods twofer
The best part of this site is I can caption any photo of two film or TV characters with “t4t vibes” and people will agree with me, no matter how improbable the assertion is
my favourite part of nirvana's mtv unplugged is kurt saying "cover your hair and your eyes", immediately realising that killed the joke for at least two reasons and then introducing 'oh me' as quickly as possible
lady jessica after drinking the water of life
How I view pregnancy
this is the only horseshoe theory i believe in, bub
wrote a joke about alpha-gal syndrome but it misses the meat of the matter
My body dysmorphic disorder joke has a tiny flaw I can't stop thinking about
saw dune part two again. can't stop thinking about how turned on feyd-rautha looks whenever he sees something violent or disturbing. what a delightfully nasty little freak
PUT HER IN... THE CONTRAPTION. me, watching a green boot kick over a yellow bucket with a marble in it: no! nooOOOO!!
I was reading at such a fast clip at the beginning of the year but it's really slowed down recently. hmm what if I ordered ten new books...
lookin at cardigans on ebay
[banging fists on the table] ARM. PIT. HAIR.
bring back Carmen Trandiego
when you can't sleep someone should come to your house to hit you on the head with cartoon hammer
everyone who took a tall bike to burning man is now being worshipped as a god
it should go without saying, but if you're stealing $300k of MTG cards don't wear a t-shirt with the logo of your own card game on it while you do it
Ben Horne's ass-eating skills must have been flawless
she scream at own dick 😔
End of feed.