
Marcy he is openly saying he refuses to prove he's not sundowning, instead saying he will just never do events after 8pm. It's untenable. He will have more episodes like that one because he is actually unwell, it's not a trick or a ratfuck, it's just what happens when people are over 80 years old.
Thank you for making my point about people who confuse candidating with presidenting.
Both jobs require the skill of being alert at night. Come on, this is grief talking.
One job requires the skill of running 18 hour days for 6 months at a time. The other requires the ability to be alert at night. There. Corrected your error. You'll keep trying, and you will keep making errors.
The leaks thus far have suggested that Biden can basically handle a 6 hour workday with no problems. That's enough to be president if he's absolutely ruthless with managing his time. That's not enough to run for president, let alone do both jobs at once.