
Marcy he is openly saying he refuses to prove he's not sundowning, instead saying he will just never do events after 8pm. It's untenable. He will have more episodes like that one because he is actually unwell, it's not a trick or a ratfuck, it's just what happens when people are over 80 years old.
Thank you for making my point about people who confuse candidating with presidenting.
Both jobs require the skill of being alert at night. Come on, this is grief talking.
One job requires the skill of running 18 hour days for 6 months at a time. The other requires the ability to be alert at night. There. Corrected your error. You'll keep trying, and you will keep making errors.
"You should be fired from your first job because you're having some trouble also holding down a second job."
That's an unfair characterization. Both these jobs require one skill: alertness at night. I get that this is very scary but we cannot possibly win with a candidate who says he needs more sleep so he can't do events after 8. I will try to think of how to explain how that sounds to normies.
I was restating what I think is Marcy's point, which is correct. And the whole bit about the 8pm thing is a poorly-reported "fact" with zero context to explain what the "limitation" might actually boil down to. It doesn't rule out later events, and EVERY candidate needs sleep, even younger ones.
Probably half a million people or less are going to decide this election. When those people read that he said he won’t do events after 8, that sounds like he won’t be able to deal with the 2 am phone call. These people may just stay home rather than vote. This is a 10 alarm 🔥. This is not overblown.
Several of the analyses calling for Biden to drop don't even notice they're doing it. Like NYT, one of their chief complaints (in the op-ed, not the 10,000 other opinion pieces sometimes posing as journalism) was that he didn't call out Trump's lies. Which is, of course, their job.
Campaigning while serving is a skill that is expected of all electeds though. It's not like this is some new unfair test just for him. I'm going to bow out of the discourse here because I respect you very much and I think it's just hard to accept someone as great as Joe isn't that person anymore.
The leaks thus far have suggested that Biden can basically handle a 6 hour workday with no problems. That's enough to be president if he's absolutely ruthless with managing his time. That's not enough to run for president, let alone do both jobs at once.
The man is incredibly effective. This has way less to do with his shortcomings than it does with the hit pieces click rates. Seriously, an actual leader has a team who they trust. He is not flying the drones. And alert? He was mentally on point for every question, delivery was hampered by time.