Dave Baltrus šŸ¦¦

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Dave Baltrus šŸ¦¦


Associate Prof at UArizona interested in genome rummaging and farm animals.

ā€œIā€™m something of a scientist myselfā€
You want the acronym to be memorable, but not overshadow the pipeline. Thereā€™s a sweet spot. Feels like this isnā€™t hitting the sweet spot.
Weā€™re trying to make the G3 journal a home for all your fun bacterial genetics stories! Please hit us up if you have a relevant manuscript to submit!
Weā€™re trying to make the G3 journal a home for all your fun bacterial genetics stories! Please hit us up if you have a relevant manuscript to submit!
The annoying thing when (in retrospect) you probably would have designed the experiment different now than then, and the reviewer says this, and you acknowledge it, but thereā€™s still valid results in the data and you have no money to do the thing againā€¦and so it stays a preprint forever
I'm not smart enough to know if keeping Joe or ditching Joe is the right call when it comes to defeating Donald Trump, but I _know_ Kamala would go on Hot Ones, and I doubt either of the other guys would, so that gives her the edge, I think.
Itā€™s Bidenā€™s job as a campaigner to change the discussionā€¦and heā€™s failed miserably in doing that.
TFW itā€™s 112 degrees out
Mid career disillusionment is no joke šŸ˜­
Canā€™t ever have nice things when thereā€™s pigs in the yard
Does anyone have an npt2 promoter sequence that can be synthesized into a plasmid (and works for expression?) Or, other strong promoter that works across Gram negative bacteria? TIA
My 2Ā¢: There are going to be plenty of situations where you can tell who the authors are, but also situations where you or others canā€™t. If bias in the review process (and studies suggest there is) and double blinding partially works to counter bias and not introduce new biases then it helps
Double-blind peer-review is a great idea, but in practice it doesn't quite work. I just received a review request and based on the topic/system I know exactly who the PI is
We are now on Bluesky! Follow us for the latest on recent papers and journal updates. āœ… Research on all areas of evolutionary biology āœ… Society-owned (Society for the Study of Evolution) āœ… Free publication for SSE members Read the latest papers and submit your research at academic.oup.com/evolut
Sit Biden in front of someone asking tough questions for a hour and do it liveā€¦.if he can handle that well Iā€™ll shut up about him dropping out
A better campaign would understand that the debate was a fiasco and their campaign is currently on life-support, and respond to it with the urgency that requires. It's not about one thing here or there to "fix it" and move on. It's that they're in real trouble, and not responding to it urgently
A better campaign would understand that the debate was a fiasco and their campaign is currently on life-support, and respond to it with the urgency that requires. It's not about one thing here or there to "fix it" and move on. It's that they're in real trouble, and not responding to it urgently
Hereā€™s why Biden is toast: in this situation, any candidate in Bidenā€™s shoes would do a series of events (interviews, press conferences, town halls, etc) to prove they are up to the task. But, Biden isnā€™t doing that because he canā€™t. Heā€™s not capableā€”and thatā€™s not going to change.
Completely aware no one is listening but Iā€™m finding it at least slightly cathartic to respond to every Biden fundraising text by saying he should drop outā€¦
If heā€™s so sharp and focused behind closed doors in every meeting, surely he could show us this side publicly or something
Youā€™re the Presidentā€¦do ***something*** quickly to counter the narrative or get the hell out of the way Press conference back and forthā€¦something that shows youā€™re up for actually trying to win this thing
Youā€™re the Presidentā€¦do ***something*** quickly to counter the narrative or get the hell out of the way Press conference back and forthā€¦something that shows youā€™re up for actually trying to win this thing
OK @plasmidsaurus.bsky.social ā€¦ I mean I was blown away by plasmid sequencing by the next day, but I shipped bacterial genomic DNA at 4PM yesterday and got back whole genome sequences 10AM the next day
Pedantry corner: Transposons writ large are not ā€œinstruments of horizontal gene transferā€ They can associate with regions of DNA that can transfer and so theyā€™re over represented amongst HGTā€™d genes but a lot of them ainā€™t transferring themselves
They are arguing about golf handicaps
Just reiterating this, because, unfortunately, it appears to be increasingly relevant.
If Biden literally shat himself during one of the debates, his opponent would still be the guy openly vowing to send federal troops to take over cities, set up mass detention camps, and imprison his critics. The only sane position would still be Team Pants Shitter.
My marriage, in a nutshell: Me: ā€œHowā€™d your day go honey?ā€ J: ā€œMind if I go to the Olympics in Paris in August? Friend has tickets and a roomā€ Me: ā€œIā€™ll get the kids to school that week, go for it, canā€™t pass up once in a lifetime thingsā€
Its promotion letter season! Remember, your job is to give the promotion committee snippets that they can pull out and highlight for the packet while not saying anything that could be misconstrued poorly
Hi friends! I have a trans friend who is going to be traveling cross-country and they're kind of worried about getting stuck in places they won't be safe. Are there any up-to-date safe travels guides for trans people anywhere, like routes to take and towns to avoid at all costs? Thanks all šŸ„°