Susan M / Topless Mom / Stopless Democrat

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Susan M / Topless Mom / Stopless Democrat

Nudist Mom and #freethenipple advocate. This is my topless democracy account. Headshot + photos by my son. #Vote, Vaccinate, Mask. Spread positivity. #BlackLivesMatter

Also on X @BlueVotingSusan - DM me for a follow back

Please don't reskeet my photos
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
While I’m at Costco, does anyone need any of the basics? Paper towels, or maybe a seven-foot-tall animatronic werewolf?
Do you want to make a real, actual difference in the world and in your community? Help track down the list of empty homes being sold between shell corporations. I have a place to start :)
“The housing crisis has left homeless people sleeping in the doorways of luxury apartments, while hundreds of thousands of homes lie empty…Action on Empty Homes support communities taking over abandoned houses in their area, strong steps towards a rebalancing of access” - Isaac Bell Holmström
Community ownership and the anarchist path to housing - Freedom Construction is not the cure for the housing crisis, no matter what election promises claim
I could understand worrying about Biden's age if the option was a 50-something year old with a proven track record of leadership and bringing the country together but when the other option is a convicted felon and sex offender who started an insurrection to stay in power maybe, we keep the old guy.
How long does Trump's gift week last? - Survived an assassination attempt - Appointed Judge Canon was able to throw out his Classified Documents case When does his fever dream come crashing in on him? Will it?
It's so amazing meeting new people and talking about the posing experience here in Arizona volunteering for my sons photography. It's so honest and sincere when a new person already sees how easy and natural posing with my son has been without any hangups. We converse so naturally!
THIS. Only ONE candidate has used violence as a tactic
October 2020: Trump defends plot to murder Gov. Whitmer January 2021: Trump sends mob to kill his own VP and members of Congress November 2023: Trump cheers attempted assassination of Nancy Pelosi March 2024: Trump posts video depicting abduction of Joe Biden
Avatar Thank you for the follow and if you read up on me, for supporting womens equality!
Donald Trump, the retiree, rapist & convicted felon from Florida, is meeting with Viktor Orban, the dictatorial prime minister of Hungary, at Mar-a-Lago today. So I think it’s worth asking again — and seriously — what exactly do we have the Logan Act for if it’s not enforced?
Avatar Thank you for following me! I may not fit your posts but I am here for womens rights and that means sex workers too!
You've been hearing two things: 1. Arizona may be an easier lift for Dems than NC and, possibly, MI. 2. The race will likely be so close that it could be decided by "reverse coattails," or energy for down-ballot races We're 81% of our 2024 goal for flipping AZ's statehouses. Join us.
Flipping Arizona | The States Learn more about Flipping Arizona such as its mission, community impact, and how you can join or make a one-time online donation.
Local action is ALWAYS the best approach!
I just callAOC’s office to let her know that I applaud her fearlessness and leadership. I often call Reps and Senators when I’m unhappy (lots of calls lately😏), but, it’s so important to also send them messages of support. I’m sure she’s on Trump’s enemy list- she’s not letting that intimidate her❤️
Bastard said that if he wins reelection, he will let all of them out of jail.We have to fight like hell to make sure he doesn't get in. He's basically offering them a license to commit crimes. Next time they will kill someone.😢