
It's increasingly clear that the people who make generative AI don't like films, don't like books, don't like art of any kind, and don't understand why anyone else does.
They seem to think that people who read find all text interchangeable—a novel with advertising text on the back of a cereal box, for example. And yet I have never met a person who goes into a bookstore and requests “some words in a row, please.”
Hence the insane business term "content" to cover all of them.
"Content" for them has become the perfect, convenient word to anonymize and downgrade any work of art down to filler status. That's what our stuff is for them: filler 🫠
A classic quote here from Emma Thompson. From
Worse than filler, it's a product they can sell for their own profit, afaict they don't see art bc they don't see real value or things of cultural importance only what they can sell and that's why they don't bother with distinctions: They would sell dog poop if they thought people would buy it.
Do you buy words in imperial measure or metric?
By the yard, like ribbon.
That tracks. Some words are wider than others, and some are sparkly.
More right than you think. I was supporting the Internet Archive covid loan policy when it became clear that people over on Hacker News believed that you could get anything you wanted from Libby or "the internet."
I once heard about someone whose primary entertainment reading bad fanfic machine translated from languages he didn't know. The explanation when the story was related to me was that narrative incoherence was the only way that he could feel surprise.
For whatever it's worth, I conducted a poll on the StableDiffusion Reddit about a year ago on AI image stereotypes vs. reality. Normal webpoll caveats apply, but 1/4th reported being professional employed artists, 1/4th active amateurs, 1/4 dabblers, and 1/4th not much involved in art before AI.
A stereotype that turned out to be true: they *overwhelmingly* reported being male, like 85% if I remember right (a contrast to Midjourney's ~60%). One that turned out to be false: They overwhelmingly hated crypto and NFTs, many choosing the most extreme, "Crypto can go die in a ditch" option.
My suspicion for the differential with MidJourney: SD is more "techie" (requires a more complex / involved setup and a gaming PC), and is also fully uncensored (for people who want to make porn), so both of these things can be expected to result in a higher male/female ratio.