Alzamon || アルサもン

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Alzamon || アルサもン

Costa Rican 🇨🇷 children's illustrator, middle grade comics author, character designer and multi-trick pony. My nick is my shortened full name. More about me at
Project 2025 wants to put Hyun Sook and I, and anyone else who writes books they falsely scream "pornography" at, in prison. They want the teachers and librarians who shelve our books to be registered sex offenders. I know what books they consider "porn," because my book banners are on their board.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
The best meme, whoever created this is doing the lords work
As a foreigner departing online with US #kidlit and #middlegrade colleagues on an almost daily basis, I can attest to this big divide existing. It's like staring at a window I can take a peek into, but that I can't open. 🥹
Publishing just makes it so damn hard for people not living in the US.
So I put my ipad Pro on sale and... It sold faster than expected, now contemplating how to deal with an iPad-less life for a few months (until I get a new one abroad). Maybe this will force me to (gasp) get back to draw... in paper... Without undos (yikes!) 🥹
It’s early, so here’s a trade secret: “Getting better” at art isn’t about not making mistakes, it’s about learning to incorporate them into your final art so they don't look like mistakes.
I hereby free you from having to have a take on every news story.
What I call the Craprousel of the 2020s starting with Covid might well have reached its highest (lowest) point today 🫠
I've been forcefully off the grid bc major electricity reparations at home, but I now get to see the latest US news and... *shakes head* It's all rock bottom now. This is not a Hollywood movie. It's a country's whole fate at stake.
in the darkest depths of the night as u lie awake wondering, "how can cartoonists survive under the crushing weight of capitalism?", i will appear to you like that fairy in pinocchio (or the sleep paralysis hag, ur preference) & guide u to the page
The Cartoonist Making comics better for everyone!
The medium with the closest affinity to comics isn’t film, animation, illustration, or novels. It’s poetry. Poetry and comics are both media of brevity, where rhythm is king, & juxtaposing unrelated pieces forces you to create meaning. Both comics and poetry have beats. Coincidence? I don’t think so
new comics discourse please Good stuff only
Apologies for the radio silence of the last few days as I've been a busy bee occupied, among other things, with cookie-delivering scout girls being chased by chickens. Don't ask. 😅🐔
I know this is preaching to the choir here but 's got it — I stopped using Tw for my art things not just because of the dismal engagement but bc of its toxic owner and all he's brought in. Engagement's only happening through controversy and hate speech now. Not for me.
Break up with your X. – INCREDIBLY BORING
Happy #KidLitArtPostcard Day! I'm Gina Perry, a New England author & illustrator & creator of this monthly promo event. I'm looking for new book projects that match my humor and quirky but sweet characters. Rep'd for books by Sean McCarthy Lit. #kidlit #kidlitart #childrensbooks
imagine how much great art could have been created if we took a fraction of the money spent on getting computers to make shitty art and gave it to actual artists
As much as I hate classifications, fighting them is pretending the sea to stop making waves so: Middle grade = anything targeted to 8yo-11yo age range YA = 12 yo and up I'd rather not overcomplicate myself. #kidlitchat
TOPIC: Define "picture book." Or "middle grade." What makes a book YA? Is it simply age range? Or how it's shelved in the library? Do you have a firm grasp of the categories and where your writing and/or art fits? #kidlitchat
#portfolioday today: I'm Dolo Okecki, an Argie illustrator that likes to do kids comics and anything paneled. Love to draw kids, animals and monsters. So far I've done stories for ages 5 to 8 and MG, some YA. Free in a week and a half. Rep'd by Astound in most countries (Tina D.)
Hey, happy #PortfolioDay ! 💥 I'm Sean I'm a writer/artist of two ongoing all-ages adventure comic titles: Dirk Brodey & Agnes from S.P.A.C.E. I also illustrate other stuff when I get a chance.
Hi #portfolioday! My name is Jenny Mannis. Former costume designer. Graphic novelist: I write & illustrate creepy stories for curious children. Dog person. Repped by [email protected] or visit me at
Aaand it's #portfolioDay... again 🐹🎨 I'm a Costa Rican 🇨🇷🦥 character designer, GN author/artist and illustrator focused on middle grade content. Open to large projects starting November 2024. More works + about me 👉 Let's talk: 📬 hireme[at]
I made an explainer to help people with the concept of Lists, Feeds and Starter Packs, with some of the best #kidlit ones to consider. I hope this helps! 🦋
Greg Pizzoli handling fan mail like a champ is on my list of personal goals (and his advice is good for any author, not just up-and-comers) 📬 #substacksky
Fan Mail Corner #014: 4 Queries from Max aspires to be an author, but first, he has questions
What I look like scrolling social media:
What I look like scrolling social media
Most comics artist-authors will agree that our OCs are all projections of some part of ourselves. In Mr. Watterson's case, while Calvin/Hobbes were the channel to his inner child's self, Calvin's dad became the cathartic projection of his jaded, kvetching adult self. (It's a theory).
Growing up into Calvin's dad was so wild.
we are all calvin's dad
I am an engineer and have this same thought about the speed of work when drawings were done by hand and not on the computer and that was way less than 200 years ago.
Final promo piece for my #webcomic Dirk Brodey: Freelance Adventurer. It can be read for free at
a series of glitch art versions of famous works, photographed in the Louvre with a GameBoy Camera. will be posting one of these a day for the next few days. first, The Death Of Marat by Jacques-Louis David