
This shithead was my rep. until the GOP redistricted him to a safer set of Zip codes: "Tell you what – I do want to 'ethnic cleanse' by deporting white progressive Democrats – with a special bonus for rich ones with an Ivy League degree," Roy tweeted. "I really do not like 'those people.'"
San Antonio U.S. Rep. Chip Roy says he wants to 'ethnic cleanse' white In a tweet defending Donald Trump's plan to deport 20 million migrants, Roy said he wants to deport "white progressive Democrats - with a special bonus for rich ones with an Ivy League degree."
seems like a cool guy™️ with no mental illness!
Nothing about what he said suggests mental illness. It does pretty clearly mark him as evil, though.
"Mental illness" isn't binary. Wanting to deport people who are American citizens sounds like a serious anger issue.
Why would we simultaneously soft-pedal this guy's abusiveness by calling it "anger issues" and smear mentally ill people with his shit?
Sorry, I don't think it's a smear of mentally ill people to say that, say, Charles Manson was mentally ill. I don't see "anger management" is a soft-peddling of anything, either. Anger is the most destructive force in human nature.
Were we talking about Charles Manson? Or were we talking about a pretty basic white supremacist asshole?
Is "asshole" a psychiatric condition? Serious question.
No, it's not, whether or not you think it is.
People commonly described as "assholes" are typically narcissistic with anger management issues. Saying "he's just an asshole" is a way to place the person outside the range of psychiatric analysis. So, yeah. I'd disagree.
Interesting. I think the goal of NOT character assassinating people FOR mental illness is good, but it’s not great if we normalize psychological damage so much that we lose willingness to recognize pathology and its causes. Horrible people aren’t born; they’re made (not a justification of assholes).