
This shithead was my rep. until the GOP redistricted him to a safer set of Zip codes: "Tell you what – I do want to 'ethnic cleanse' by deporting white progressive Democrats – with a special bonus for rich ones with an Ivy League degree," Roy tweeted. "I really do not like 'those people.'"
San Antonio U.S. Rep. Chip Roy says he wants to 'ethnic cleanse' white In a tweet defending Donald Trump's plan to deport 20 million migrants, Roy said he wants to deport "white progressive Democrats - with a special bonus for rich ones with an Ivy League degree."
Chip is also a big fan of running over peaceful protesters:
He also hates . . . bike lanes.
Oh, and I'd forgotten this rant, during Covid, about "White, woke people" and their Pelotons and lattes and "arugala" (he means "arugula"):
I like how he clarifies that HEB is a grocery store, just for the non-locals who may be reading the rant.
What kind of self respecting fancy lad would be buying Starbucks- he's so out of touch
so unhinged i read it in Alex Edwards' (Minion Death Cult) voice by default
jfc arugula is an anti-obama meme from before he was elected president, this shit is deranged
I cringe when this invader uses the word "our." Fuck off back to the fetid auto salvage yard in Virginia that spawned you.
Even though I live thousands of miles away from Chip Roy, the sheer magnitude of his ignorance is such that I feel it from here.
You'd think he'd be a fan of bike lanes. It would make the cleansing of white progressives so much easier. Just pick them off one by one with your great big SUV as they pedal earnestly, trying to stave off climate change.
In Europe, most great restaurants are shut down already, due to liberal bike lanes. It's like a plague 😔
Europeans can't even eat out anymore, because of spoke.
Honestly Austin bike lanes are a recreational expense for people with $2k road bikes and a closet full of Lululemon and shit. But yeah he sucks.
Ethnically cleanse white progressive democrats is a lot of synonyms for what he actually wants to say: “kill race traitors”
The rhetoric is unapologetically extreme. Bad, bad stuff
"I really do not like 'those people.'" Feeling's mutual, fascist swine.
he also reps austin because austin is cracked into a dozen different pieces and naturally this loser gets a piece so 500000 square miles of fuckall balances it out to R+8 or whatever.
This is true, though the pre-2022 setup was even worse. They conceded a deep blue seat to the D's because the lines would have had to become so absurd as to accidentally put more seats in play.
Look at this dingus before he grew out a goatee and starting play acting as a tough guy.
seems like a cool guy™️ with no mental illness!
Nothing about what he said suggests mental illness. It does pretty clearly mark him as evil, though.
"Mental illness" isn't binary. Wanting to deport people who are American citizens sounds like a serious anger issue.
Why would we simultaneously soft-pedal this guy's abusiveness by calling it "anger issues" and smear mentally ill people with his shit?
I have some experience with Chip and his staff, and there's a real whiff of sociopathy about the dude. Running around on the border with his gun, fantasizing about murdering innocent people, public outbursts of rage. He's a preacher's son, too. God knows how he got damaged, but he ain't normal.
No, I hope to God being an abusive asshole isn't normal, but why is it that people seem to feel that calling him mentally ill is more of an insult?
Sorry, I don't think it's a smear of mentally ill people to say that, say, Charles Manson was mentally ill. I don't see "anger management" is a soft-peddling of anything, either. Anger is the most destructive force in human nature.
Anger management issues are not by themselves a form of mental illness (though they can be indicative of certain conditions if sufficiently severe). And yes, Manson was mentally ill. Mental illness and evil can certainly coexist, but this does honestly sounds like garden-variety white supremacy.
Were we talking about Charles Manson? Or were we talking about a pretty basic white supremacist asshole?
📌 pinning to get the full context of the fuckery
Elite white Charles Eugene Roy of Bethesda, MD/Lovettsville, VA who, after being an investment banker, prosecutor, and Perry's top federal lobbyist carpetbagged his way in to that seat as Cruz's CoS?
This is already pretty bad on the face of it, but I just have to point out: Does he think being Progressive counts as an ethnicity?
Being rich is also apparently an ethnicity, and frankly I am dying to hear those folk songs.
Unfit for ANY public office!! A statement such as this one should end his career and make it hard to find any job. republicans are competing to see who can be the lowest of the low. #VoteAllRepublicansOutOfOffice no exceptions!
I like how all these shitty old white dudes wanna out-trump, Trump. Lol
In a normal country this would be a political career-ending moment for good ol’ chipper. We ain’t that.
Do you remember when The United States of America didn't negotiate with terrorists? Good times.
His opponent in November, Dr. Kristin Hook, happens to have a PhD from Cornell in Neurobiology and Behavior. She’s not rich though, so maybe folks can give her campaign a boost with a donation? Full disclosure, I know her personally and she’s good friends with my partner.
HOME | Dr. Kristin Hook for Dr. Kristin Hook is the Democratic Candidate running for U.S. Congress in Texas’ 21st Congressional District, which comprises South Austin, North San Antonio, and the Texas Hill Country.
So…Jews, then. He means Jews.
He wants to get rid of anyone that is hard to control.