
“you hysterical lib do you REALLY think — LIB (communist) — that Trump would order the shooting of a domestic political enemy? Cmon” He did already! I happened, he tried to! Sure an unarmed Black Lives Matter protester in front of the White House is a different kind of political enemy than Hillary…
also, as we point out in this piece, Trump repeatedly told senior officials in his administration (thank goodness there wasn’t a “yes sir” uttered in these cases) to shoot protesters or migrants in the legs… Chances are high that would kill them!
Trump Allies Try to Convince Supreme Court He’d Never Order Hit on A pro-Trump group tells justices he could never have the military kill non-military targets — even though he allegedly suggested shooting protesters.
…but I’m sorry. President Trump already tried to order his pentagon to do it! It’s not hysterics or resistance fan fic, the concerns are rooted in Things That Factually Occurred. Would Trump order the assassination of chuck Schumer? I wouldn’t bet on it. But I don’t feel like rolling the dice
Chuck? No. Rashida Tlaib? Not taking that bet.
“They knew who he was” is Exactly how it will go down for many of us.
And all of the black-van kidnappings, courtesy of DOJ personnel without badges.
He executed the documented mentally ill. Of course he would
I feel like the part of the decision allowing the President to use the DoJ to investigate political opponents is underplayed in these hypotheticals. Trump *probably* won't order assassinations, but he will absolutely have his lackeys gin up charges against rivals.
Biden will probably be under house arrest while “investigations” are carried out until the day he dies. Probably not the only Dem politician in that boat within a couple years
Not Chuck Schumer but name someone not white and he is ON IT
The last 8 years have also been a continuous trend of "of course this norm won't be broken" and then it is broken, not only by Trump but by massive numbers of Republican electeds. Why should we doubt *anything* anymore?
also, not for nothing, but Chuck isn't who I'm worried about, not for many years of For Really Real Fascist Rule at least
His administration tortured children and so mishandled Covid it resulted in over 400k unnecessary deaths. A few political executions would actually be scaling back.
He absolutely would. The man is a narcissistic sociopath. Literally the only reason he doesn't casually kill people is that requires effort. He wouldn't even have to ask for a sniper. He would follow Putin's lead and use poison, or tell local cops to defenestrate someone.