Apple Eater

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Apple Eater

Not like this... Not like this.
Reposted byAvatar Apple Eater
More than half the drop in America’s total fertility rate is explained by women under the age of 19 now having next to no children. Around a third of the missing births would have been unplanned, and the majority of them would have been to women on low incomes.
Reposted byAvatar Apple Eater
“According to critics who have seen it, the biopic depicts Trump undergoing liposuction, receiving surgery for hair loss, living with erectile dysfunction, and rejecting his brother, who suffered from alcohol addiction. It also shows Trump raping his first wife, Ivana.”
Trump lawyer blasts 'The Apprentice' biopic in legal warning letter, calling it foreign election "The Apprentice" has scenes depicting Donald Trump receiving surgery for hair loss and sexually assaulting his first wife.
Reposted byAvatar Apple Eater
Here’s a brief interview with Capt Crozier where he discusses the incident. Well worth it for his perspective. He did indeed risk his career for the lives of his crew, which captains are required to do - the ship and her battle readiness. Https://
Publicly fired Carrier Captain Speaks Retired #usnavy Captain Brett Crozier joins the FPP for an exclusive discussion on the fateful events surrounding his very public firing as commanding office...
Reposted byAvatar Apple Eater
BREAKING: Amid uncertainty surrounding the Princess of Wales' health, King Harald V of Norway has landed an army near Stamford Bridge in the north of England
Reposted byAvatar Apple Eater
also worth saying that in an increasingly infertile future, the care industry is surely one of the places that gets hit hardest
I don’t think anyone’s quite grokked how bad an increasingly infertile future will be - especially, unfortunately, people who didn’t have children, because if you’ve ever had to deal with the care industry, you need someone there to make sure it actually happens
Reposted byAvatar Apple Eater
A long shot but wtf. When I was photographing birds on the empty beach south of Barcelona's airport, this magnificent gentleman waved to me, pointed to himself, and immediately struck a pose. I fired off this frame, we shared a laugh from 50m, and went on our ways. I'd love to get it to him.
Reposted byAvatar Apple Eater
Post a cover that's better than the original, im making a playlist
Reposted byAvatar Apple Eater
Joey Ramone covered Iggy Pop's "1969" and no one told me? Villains everywhere.
Reposted byAvatar Apple Eater
There's a beaver dam in northern Canada that's twice as wide as the Hoover Dam, and was discovered from satellite photos because it's so remote, and forms a wetland delta despite there not being any distinct creeks or rivers feeding into it.
World’s Largest Beaver
Reposted byAvatar Apple Eater
somehow the referees missed this for several plays
Reposted byAvatar Apple Eater
do i know anyone in the bay area who would like to adopt a cat? he is 3 years old, very friendly and cuddly, fixed, can live happily with other cats. he is being abandoned (happy to share more privately) and i would really like to help this guy find a safe place to land!
Reposted byAvatar Apple Eater
Reposted byAvatar Apple Eater
Reposted byAvatar Apple Eater
Maybe a long shot, but does anyone in the Bay area have a working vintage 1999 Big Mouth Billy Bass they'd be willing to sell me so I can dismantle it and from its ashes bring forth something terrible?
Reposted byAvatar Apple Eater
This gets to the rot at the very heart of America’s institutions: why are college kids not more willing to have reasoned debate about whether they should be killed?
Last night Chris Rufo’s top assistant expressed a desire for President Trump to “bomb the shit” out of a domestic political group he dislikes while sending “a team of attack dogs” after their leaders.
Reposted byAvatar Apple Eater
costco give every body who gets a covid shot there a free hot dog and drink
I bet that 3% number would skyrocket if all shots came with hot dogs. Just got mine at grocery pharmacy, rewarded myself with frozen pizza. 🤔....perhaps I'm not the best person to offer advice on healthcare incentives.
Reposted byAvatar Apple Eater
End of feed.