
Skill issue tbh. Simply suspend your disbelief bro
absolutely devastating post
do you even have childlike whimsy, dude
i feel for him
No one has ever explained to me why I got lumped into a list of people who left twitter because they were sex pests including Michael Curry and Lana Del Raytheon when I just left because it was making me upset all the time!
the name michael curry sounded familiar but as soon as i read “michael curry’s butthole” i just kinda went “oh. that guy.”
I genuinely think I avoided most of his sexual harassment because a) I did not follow him back and b) I had the same pfp back then and he thought it was my son so he felt bad showing his butthole to a father who loves his son
i think i very briefly followed him, saw an uncensored butthole picture, and unfollowed. that was probably my only experience with him. then i saw people talking about him later on and that’s why i even remember his name at all.
I majored in film theory (incomplete degree) and yeah skill issue My ass can write a whole paper about some movie and then turn around and watch hours of the worst the 80s had to offer in horror LOL Just learn to let yourself have fun sometimes!
If you had completed you would have learned to appreciate Jules et Jim instead of Jason.
"i watched bad people nitpick for a living and now I'm nitpicking too" idk watch better channels or something
I would tell them to “Stop watching that stuff.” And to seek to destroy their inner critic or sense of taste.
You trained yourself into it. Train yourself out. Easy!
This guy's gotta be a JOY to be around
Right!? Like grow the fuck up and learn to enjoy things on their terms!!? Your life will be better.
I also find this method works for the real world too. But you have to stop before you get to the "wake up in an over packed hospital room trying to figure out why they are asking you if you know who the President is"
A depressing number of replies bitching about Willem’s plotholes don’t matter take