
ironically the only thing restraining biden from drone striking the insurrectionist supreme court justices is that the justices he would appoint to replace them would hold him accountable
Ok, but I've been assured by all pundits that he's on death's door already, so why not go with plan yolo?
i mean, to be honest, the reason to not go with plan yolo is that part of the whole project is to fix the authoritarianist damage that trump did and continue to struggle towards a democratic society with meaningful rule of law, and drone-striking political opponents doesn't help that at all
If the only thing keeping the authoritarian damage in check is hoping the other party never wins an election again ever, I feel like fixing it is probably a lost cause at this point.
How many people would not have been killed had a union of nations you know, done drone strike on the reichstag in 1937 (had the technology been there) There is something to be said about the surgical strike of a bunker busting cruise missile.