
Joe Biden refusing to take advice from people who have been wrong about everything for decades could be seen as an indication his brain is still working
negatively polarizing myself into being a biden die-hard because nick kristof and tom friedman think i shouldn't be
seeing that congressman "i have terrible political instincts" seth moulton thinks he should quit is making the opposite case too
"i am going to topple nancy pelosi's speakership" is a real thing this dude said to himself in 2018, the year before he announced his presidential run
the charisma of a leiberman with the timing of a nader…
He is defined by his enemies and honestly
I've never been much of a Biden fan and maybe I'm just being influenced by having had a lot of family that lived into their mid- and late-90s but the conventional wisdom in the media and on this site that he's cooked is pissing me off/radicalizing me/pushing me into Joeverdrive
People whose takes I, a humble lurker, usually respect saying "I just think he's in a death spiral. He can't recover" Why, because the Newspapers say so? Americans hate the Newspapers! We'll believe the opposite of what they say just to spite them!
I’m deeply unhappy with the assumption by many young people that being 80+ means you don’t have a functioning brain. I spend a lot of time with my almost 80 mom. She has more energy than I do. Harris is there for a reason. It’s not an ideal situation but that is a B longstanding Dem problem.
I have fond, very emotional memories of my 92yo great-grandfather laughing and playing and rolling around with 3yo me on the floor of his place and seeing all these dudes turn around and act like they're tossing salt at the cryptkeeper and doing us a favor is making me feel all sorts of ways
Same, plus Twitter leftists going "Trump won't implement Project 2025, also the Democrats support it anyway."
It’s so annoying that this is what is has come to