
UPDATE: What is happening in France today? Left candidates who came in 3rd are dropping out of the runoffs to block the far-right. *Many* Macronists, including incumbents, are doing the same when they came in third. But... many said they won't. (I'd say about half/half right now? Deadline tmrw.)
THE sentence of the day: A Macronist incumbent in the Marseille region came in 3rd in her seat. She just dropped out to support the left. She said, about why she's maneuvering to block the far-right: "Defeats happen, but you can never recover from dishonor."
This is a great example of how the left loses to the right by splitting ourselves along degrees of policy instead focusing of defeating those who absolutely destroy any progressive change. Good on the left candidates for narrowing that field and I hope they are actively campaigning as well
that’s not what happened. Macron lost his voters, who turn towards RN (far right).
Fair - but what we are seeing is left candidates dropping to consolidate support around who they think will defeat the RN, which is good
In US politics, we see a lot of instances where the center of the party DNC actively works to stamp out candidates they feel are too far out of line from the most conservative tenets of the party and supporting an aging cadre of politicians to the detriment of their own success
centrists _are_ conservatives, proven literally everywhere, especially in the past 2 decades; all Western "democracies" are fucked as a result (UK, Canada, Australia, etc)