
Hundreds of thousands of people are marching against the far-right in France today, as the far-right has never been so close to power. Images from Paris’s March, where a lot of signs are focusing on demanding that left leaders stay united to counter the far-right:
The scene at the famous Bastille square: “Tears of fascists, the 7th of July for happy hour” (fachos and apéro rythmes in French do it sounds better)
More context if you’re catching up:
Left Coalition now has platform. Includes: —rollback Macron retirement reform & cuts to unemployment benefits —↑ min wage —↑ daycare spots —repeal Macron immigration restrictions —bring back wealth tax & exit tax —carbon neutrality plan —200K public housing/year more:
I don’t care who wins in France as long as it’s not Le Pen— Macron is fine, the left is fine. Just no fascists please 😥
Macron ain't fine. He's why they did so well.
Anyone is “fine” to be when the alternative is the far right- l am not French but if l were, l would vote for whatever is NOT Le Pen, especially in the run-off.
The beauty is that there are multiple choices! Unlike USA where we often have bad and worse, in France you might luck out and get to vote for someone good. Just saying that it's not a binary, most voters can pick from people who are both not-fascist AND not-fascist-enablers.
In France they have a runoff after the first round of voting. Will the leftists show up and vote when it’s Macron vs Le Pen again?
Offer popular things to their constituents!? Is that allowed? Man, French people are crazy. What a world.
(Fascist tears /for/ 7 July cocktails, making the drink from them, that is.)