Built to Shill

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Built to Shill


Republican-registered Socialist in a very red state and I vote.
I, personally, can't wait to be renditioned to Alabama to avoid that whole state-level charges farce.
I don't understand this point. Trump can just pardon them.
This photo is absolutely going to be the basis of a terribly dumb Chemtrails+ conspiracy theory.
THIS PHOTO 😭 Matthew Dominick shared this on the bird site, it’s of Boeing Starliner, with the aurora visible on Earth 🛰️🔭🧪
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Time is a flat circle
Was house wine a pandemic casualty or something? I have no palate and am willing to pay up to $8 for slightly aged grape juice.
Wallet Inspectors have arrived.
Preemptive RIP to the Third Raichik kid, doomed to only last twelve years.
Bold talk from the least fuckable person on the planet
I'm an asshole and I vote.
Isolated Incident of a Down.
Make a band milder: Register a formal complaint against the machine
I mean, how bad could she really be?
I love signs that get right down to business.
it’s true, i looked
Invited our "still learning to be grateful" six-year-old to make her own dinner if she hated what we made so much. She's smugly enjoying her cheese, banana and ketchup sandwich while I contemplate if I'll ever survive to get rekt when when she comes into her full power as a teenager.
My deepest held belief AS A GODDAMN VETERAN is that wearing any of these "look at me look at me" Shibboleth-wear shirts in public should automatically re-enlist you according to the needs of the Army.
i think they should put you in jail actually
I've got a great joke about Sisyphus, but I feel like I've told it on here before.
I have a joke about Odysseus but it’s going to take forever to bring it home.
Grandma bought the six-year-old's painting for $20 and I think this is the high that artists die chasing.
I can't tell if this number seems low or seems high.
Glad the Congress solved our data security woes by *squints* making 80% of American teens download an .APK from China.
“You’re just gonna have your fucking life destroyed in every fucking way that you can imagine to where you want to blow your fucking brains out,” Silva told his ex-wife. Super enthused that we're giving the biggest pieces of shit in America do-me-yourself court remedies.
The abusive Texas man represented by Jonathan Mitchell who is suing three of his ex's friends for helping her obtain abortion pills promised to drop the suit in exchange for sex then reneged on the deal, per a court filing. www.rollingstone.com/politics/pol...
Texan Suing Ex’s BFFs Over Abortion Allegedly Promised to Drop Lawsuit for Sexwww.rollingstone.com A Texas man suing his ex-wife's friends for allegedly helping her get an abortion allegedly promised to drop the lawsuit in exchange for sex.
Six year old asked what AI was.
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Rip Google podcasts. I'll be goddamned if I ever voluntarily open YouTube Music.
Cop absolving language has brain poisoned headline writers.
My favorite biennial holiday is back, baybee
Oh Lord, won't you buy me a new Rolls Royce My crypto was worthless, I made bad choices It's cool, I heard "treat yourself" in Your Own Voice So oh Lord, won't you buy me a new Rolls Royce.
An online pastor was charged in CO for a $1.3 million crypto scam. He's released a 9-minute video explaining that the Lord told him to sell "a cryptocurrency with no clear exit", and spend some of it on "a home remodel the Lord told us to do". Here's a supercut. www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYB2...
Colorado pastor: "We took God at his word and sold a cryptocurrency with no clear exit"www.youtube.com Pastor Eli Regalado says he and his wife Kaitlyn "took God at his word and sold a cryptocurrency with no clear exit"... then spent some of the money on "a ho...
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is it time to bust out my "bigfoot is bears" photo collection again? if your mental image of a bear is a thick-furred, fat glossy male bear in autumn, you're probably not prepared for how weird their proportions can look in spring, or when walking upright, like they frequently do.
Computer, create a metaphor for the current state of the world