
Info I hear from France suggests results may be very surprising. I had to double check I was reading right. Now appears to be confirmed by *EARLY EXITS* in Swiss media: RN weaker than expected. Fight for first between left & Macronists, though RN possible still in right for low plurality.
Belgian media is now reporting the same thing. 2 other polling institutes are independently projecting the same thing: a much weaker RN than expected, and Left bloc potentially in first place.
Context here: Polls have closed in a lot of France as of 90 minutes ago. French media is not allowed to hint at any exit polls or potential trends until 8pm local time, but Belgian and Swiss media (a lot of which is French-speaking) are not bound.
Wonder if the UK election had an impact
Wait they're already on the runoff?
Yeah. Runoffs happen a week later in France.
PM Melenchon let’s go
Up there on the list of “unexpected patron saints of X” with David Cameron as the unexpected patron saint of Irish unification, we may now have to put Emmanuel Macron, unexpected patron saint of the revitalized French Left.
Macron tried to spike it and the people *running* for office refused to play ball with him, the majority of the center pols in 3rd dropped out and endorsed the left in defiance.
Although I should clarify: they didn’t drop out in defiance of Macron, they dropped out to unify votes against the RN.
Right, but that was an act of defiance against Macron's desire that they stay in; there was a quiet refusal from most of the center in France. What was that line from the incumbent who stepped aside... something like "Defeat happens once; dishonor is forever"?
Don't forget larger cities close polling at 8 PM.
Didn’t the Macronists and Socialists specifically coordinate over the past week to stymie Le Pen? I thought I heard that individual candidates dropped out so that voters would either see a Macronist or Soc candidate but not both?
I've been hearing there's been a change of tone in the last week.
Let’s hope this holds. Melenchon has serious flaws but the RN is far worse for everyone except Christian nationalists and their fellow travelers.
If NPF has the plurality but not a majority it seems very unlikely Mélenchon ends up PM. The Socialist Party is a partner in NPF too and is likely to be more palatable to coalition partners
Yes, my sense is that this result is the best possible outcome for what amounts of a center left coalition government that is not just Vichy 2.0.