
Thank u, also I wanted to make the FULL interview available so that activists, journalists, and others can use the information to continue to hold her to account. Many journalists don't make source material for their reporting available at all, which I could have done.
She will put out her own, highly edited version of the footage of course, which I'm sure her millions of followers will eat up. But I have no idea how you read our story, which amplifies the voices of actual LGBTQ people in OK talking about the harm she's doing, & think it's positive platforming
How ‘Libs of TikTok’ became a powerful presence in Oklahoma Far right activist Chaya Raichik splits her time between California and Florida. But its Oklahoma where she’s arguably had the biggest impact.
❣️so you admit to giving her plenty of footage her followers will eat up You are hurting more than you are helping
Platforming is never about positivity or negativity when it comes to fascists, Taylor. It’s about normalizing, you should fucking know this
She couldn’t do that without the source footage
If you wanted to be a true ally here you could provide her home address instead
both sides ass access journalist hack. fuck off
girl you didn't even "hold her to account" in the interview you let her say nazi shit and just moved on to the next question. so she said MORE nazi shit.
You didn’t even read the article clearly, which is the actual output of the interview. Don’t even pretend like this story is sympathetic to her
there's video & transcript of her *saying nazi shit* and you *not challenging her*. THAT negates any of the 'non sympathetic' shit you may have behind that paywall!
I gave you the unpaywalled link, which means u didn’t even click. And of course people say wild things in inteviews. But you literally completely ignore how her quotes are contextualized in the actual piece
(I got an "access denied" error for your unpaywalled version--even after turning my VPN off.) Chaya Raichik saying Nazi shit isn't just "wild things" it's outright fascism and it's *irrelevant* how that is "contextualized" when you don't call her bullshit what it is.
Again, I literally do that in the article.
"access denied" when i click the link.
What consequences do you see in store for her because of this interview Pretty sure the bomb threats and killings are going to continue
Cause unless this interview was the prelude to an indictment or an opportunity to threaten her with imminent harm, all you accomplished was being courteous to someone who wants my loved ones dead
why? nobody needs to hear from her. she made your life a living hell and now you’re interviewing her for the paper of record? get fucked lady
The paywall ensures most people have access to a very neutral-to-flattering headline.
Who are American journalists holding to account? Who has been held accountable? The discourse just keeps getting worse because of an inability to hold people to account.
In a few minutes, Jim Jeffries or Jon Stewart can sit down with a politician and surgically dismantle all their irrational and toxic positions. And their jobs are to be professional clowns.
In contrast, journalists from WaPo or CNN neither have that insight to immediately pick up on an inconsistency or a combative streak to belabour a point. If an interviewee is comfortable - then they are not being held to account.