Emet at NerdyKeppie

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Emet at NerdyKeppie


Co-owner, NerdyKeppie. Pasty white Jewish queer in a patch jacket doing needle arts near a pit bull. Yes, that @UrbanProle. (They/Them)

Reluctant anarcho-bundist.
Been letting this place get to me. I'll be back later. Do good trouble while I'm gone.
I have eyes and a brain: they’re wearing a certain uniform to convey an image and message to people who only see them in the media, and maybe to disguise themselves as well.
The USA is a nation that will lie to you about its intentions and purpose for 12+ years of an education it provides to you itself, then beat you and gas you and shoot you when you ask it to act in accordance with its teachings.
correction, it has moved lmao all they did was rename the html page to stop us fuck them, ruin their day ut-sao-special-prod.web.app/sex_basis_co...
looks like utah's bathroom snitch website was taken down? glorious.
Hotline Complaint Formut-sao-special-prod.web.app
So Utah, having passed a transphobic bathroom bill, has launched an online form for people to snitch on folks they think are in the "wrong" bathroom or locker room. Be a real shame if people on the Internet flooded it with fake reports: ut-sao-special-prod.web.app/sex_basis_co...
Hotline Complaint Formut-sao-special-prod.web.app
“History will judge y— you should worry about how I will judge you because I’m here right now in the present and I gotta 2x4
Old queers stop telling young queers how to be queer challenge (Disclosure: I'm fuckn old.)
In his letter from Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King, Jr., told us the white moderate “is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice” and said this is someone who “prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice.”
Yeah I'm a real leftist, don't you see my NPR bag?
I only wish I had shared a lifetime with Henry Kissinger. I, a leftist of considerable capital, would have taken care of that guy before handing Malcolm his punch ups.
I know I know what I know and I know he doesn't. So. My very real personal failing of arrogance I do try to temper with self-aware and self-effacing humility. Yep.
Once again I underline the reluctant next to anarcho-bundist in my profile.
What revolution dude? We just want to take a piss with ID that has our name on it in our pocket. Once again you assured me there would always be an oppressor willing to do violence to stop that. I don't want a revolution. But what else you got?
Will Stancil never tried party drugs because he discovered solipsism. 🤔
Just one of many possible examples. A Jewish professor who writes and teaches about Jewish history. Brutalized by police on her campus for supposedly supporting antisemitism.
Same problem same remedy.
When the pro-Palestinian protesters were escorted to a bus at Ole Miss for their safety, one of the pro-Israel dipshits yelled “at least it isn’t a plane this time”. Look at this hate in their hearts. Looks so damn familiar.
"I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"
I know the world has gone to shit but Renegade Nell on Disney Plus is refreshingly great. Give it three episodes, I don't think you'll regret it.
let's go girls
So Utah, having passed a transphobic bathroom bill, has launched an online form for people to snitch on folks they think are in the "wrong" bathroom or locker room. Be a real shame if people on the Internet flooded it with fake reports: ut-sao-special-prod.web.app/sex_basis_co...
Hotline Complaint Formut-sao-special-prod.web.app
That's not a nice word, mein goyische freunden.
Johnson flies under the radar but he is one of the most radical violent evangelical Christians in all of politics. He's quiet but he's one of the most dangerous people in America. Schumer even considering for a second aligning with him is a fucking shanda. An absolute disgrace. A traitor to Jews.
Introducing a fifth child: The child who noticed some uncomfortable similarities.
*at Passover this year, explaining the story of Passover* "So yeah, its sorta like whats happening now, but we were the good guys
The answer is, of course, materially opposing genocide.
Found my answer. Came for the "political nihilism", stayed for the "macro political dynamics". This performance art. Down to the pet hair and shirt holes.
Shelton Bumgarner (sheltgarner.bsky.social) on X: "Some thoughts on recent events. https://t.co/p3cCeDJOe5" / Xx.com Some thoughts on recent events. https://t.co/p3cCeDJOe5
Libs need to learn how to say things like "i want to do the right thing but I'm afraid of what doing that means" rather than *gestures at everything everywhere in my country*
It's wild to me how many "reasonable moderates in the marketplace of ideas" refuse to answer simple questions like "what do you find radical".
Aaaand I'm back to laughing. Screaming "MEDIOCRE, MORSOV!" at Eym's smoking corpse bits.