
"Teenagers have reported seeing pornographic material more on X than on adult sites. Research from the UK children’s commissioner found that 41% of teenagers reported seeing pornography on X, versus 37% for dedicated adult sites."
X changes porn policy to opt-in system that blocks under-18 The social media network’s new rules, announced on Monday, come after regulator pressure around the world to better protect children from inappropriate content
This makes it sound like teenagers are ludicrously terrible at using porn sites. =/
This doesn’t sound right. Don’t 100% of dedicated “adult sites” have porn right on the front page? Isn’t that the point?
that reads like a terribly interpreted stat of some kind. science communication and all...
So does this mean Elon’s creepy alt account where he pretends to be a baby is going to be blocked?
It's it just me or does this look like an x-files DVD cover?
I fail to believe the name X ever meant anything other than, “this will devolve into a porn site.”
Musk blocking porn on Xitter would make me more concerned if I caught the teenage spawn using it. They'll find ways to see porn regardless, just as I did as a teen. It's the rest of the site that I object to.
Congrats to Elon for figuring out what every other social media company learned twenty years ago
Nonsense, you don't see it unless you look for it. At least I don't.
Well, the pussy in bio spambot replies all over the place after Musk made paid verification a thing were sadly not talking about cute cat pictures.
Nothing will happen. Like X’s anti-trans policy … no impact not effective since LibsofTikTok hard is thriving and encouraged under X. The amount daily booby bots on X overwhelming just more lip service from Mr Information Independence 🙄
Was this study done before or after this little stunt Elon is pulling? Because porn has been on Twitter since time and memorial. I don't get what he's playing at here.
Musk is a disgusting pupa....