Orbital Fail-Son Canon

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Orbital Fail-Son Canon


You shall come to a prison built of regrets and sorrow, where the shadows themselves have gone mad.
it’s weird to do this to your own post but
it was nice when every celebrity wasn’t also “and businessperson”
Crows are such amazing ecological generalists. For several years I've watched various birds in the Seattle area that have learned to pluck fish from the water, sometimes swooping and scooping, other times, hovering almost like a tern. Below, some very jerky video (hand-held 800mm lens). 🪶
crow fishingyoutu.be This American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) has learned to pluck fish from the water of Seattle's Lake Washington.This is very shaky video, because it's hand-...
Can I just point out that the accelerating pollution of the information commons makes the few remaining human-curated projects like Wikipedia even more valuable, and that’s why I relentlessly encourage people to double down on improving it.
Depressing that the entire promise of the internet was once that we would have all the world's information at our fingertips, and genAI has, in a very short space of time, completely nullified that idea.
*guy who truly believes this band is playing their final show ever*
'My blood is up' hits different when you're a little bit diabetic.
'I don't care who the candidate is WE NEED TO WIN THIS ELECTION!!1!' Uh, selecting a good candidate has a considerable effect on your chances of winning the election. (This is apparently an impossibly basic and straight-forward concept for galaxy brain political commentators to grasp.)
Make a band more vegetable: Corn
Manic Street Peaches Growing Pumpkins Bok Choy Division
Click every square that contains a human firing an M-40A pulse rifle at a killer robot. You have 10 seconds to comply.
drop the most powerful image in your gallery with zero explanation if you'd like
drop the most powerful image in your gallery with zero explanation if you'd like
Heh. The Democrats are that kid who invents a game and makes up a new rule any time they start [WINNING].
The Project 2025 denials hint a little bit at how worried some Republican operatives are at their *completely indefensible fascist bullshit* getting zero traction in wider society. U.K election was very interesting, with the right schisming into 'racism uber alles' and 'just low taxes please' blox.
You know who you are.
Heartbreaking, yet practical signage at Sherman's Bookshop in Bar Harbor, Maine! #kidlit #barharbor #indiebookstore
To everyone pushing "AI", I wish you a very always having sand in your underwear everything tastes like rotten fish always feeling like you're chewing on aluminum foil day
Well this is grim
Joe Biden suddenly getting a lot of highly aggressive, extremely partisan, call-center-talking-points-sheet support on social media seems a little weird, until you remember Gaza, at which point it seems depressingly straight-forward. This is why Genocide Joe ain't gonna quit. =/
Some excellent notes here from Chris Hayes, who is one of those 'figuring it out from first principles' type-thinkers, able to shed light on a situation from useful angles.
"He's earned second term because of the job he's done" is a perfectly good message for surrogates to make about an incumbent candidate. "I've earned a second term because of the job I've done," is fine, but not really an optimal message for the candidate to make, imho.
'There is no money' is the neoliberal 'Hail Hydra'.
One quirk of building stuff for renting out is that the customer is not the renter who lives in it, it's the investor who buys it to rent out, and the requirements of the two aren't the same...
We must stop Donald Trump at any cost*
There's a weird angle to a lot of the pro-Biden stuff, in that the poll numbers are already bad, he has been losing to Trump in the polls - albeit narrowly - for over a year(?) now. The assumption was just that this would turn around during the election. That assumption is no longer fair.
That's not, in fact, what this is all about x.com/nikkimcr/sta...
Bob Woodward's going to put a book out in nine months, isn't he. =(
This awful Biden situation could’ve been avoided if the US had simply stayed under British rule and gradually transitioned to being an independent parliamentary democracy like Canada
‘Dark and brooding, Heathcliff stared across the misty moors and muttered, “I hate Mondays, but damn I love lasagna.”’ Emily crumpled up the paper. No. Something just wasn’t working.
If an adult tries to beef with you a good bit is to go "Where are your parents. I want to talk to your parents"
Here’s what the mainstream media won’t tell you about packing the Supreme Court, it would be so funny
The Biden People have the exact same vibe as the Hillary People and it's really helped solidify me in the Biden Must Go camp. If you don't have a good argument to defend your candidate, screaming and crying and talking down to everyone isn't a substitute.