
At the putsch, a bullet missed Hitler by a foot. He drew a sympathetic judge. The Wall St crash revitalised his ailing party. Hindenburg conveniently died. The Reichstag burned at just the right moment. He survived several assassination attempts. People like this have the luck of the devil.
I'm constantly marveling at Trump's luck as a politician. He only won in 2016 because he ran against one of the Democrats' weakest candidates. In 2024 he ends up running against someone even weaker.
It's all time travelers. The Anarchists keep going back in time to try and kill the bastard, and the Time Lords keep saving him because of the potential paradox. But each time they save him, the story gets more and more ridiculous.
Survivorship bias always looks like time travelers
"everybody kills Hitler on their first trip. I did. It always gets fixed within a few minutes, what’s the harm?"