the breakfast-eating brooks brothers type

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the breakfast-eating brooks brothers type

"Reformation is necessary and despair is criminal." Computational biologist; US-Canadian; he/him. Vancouver is unceded land.,

was @kumokasumi, @biotimylated
The most generous explanation of Taylor Lorenz's misguided covid crusade is that she's riding the Dunning Kruger peak and she cannot see how wrong she is; she has no idea how to engage with the literature and has been misled by charlatans. The less generous interpretations are really shitty.
Well, McKinley can't be prosecuted for it
The 538 model coming up as a coin flip is emphatically not good news for Biden. The forecast models both opinion change and polling error and, relative to other forecasts, it assumes that a large opinion change is possible. We have to go win that.
This model, sort of uniquely among the forecasts published this cycle, assumes that it's possible for something to happen that realigns public perception of the candidates with the model's view of the fundamentals. But what would that be in an era of high partisanship and well-known candidates?
This model, sort of uniquely among the forecasts published this cycle, assumes that it's possible for something to happen that realigns public perception of the candidates with the model's view of the fundamentals. But what would that be in an era of high partisanship and well-known candidates?
My point here isn't that we should give up, but our chance of winning in the status quo is, at best, a coin toss, and that's unacceptably low. As Dems, we should be open to riskier strategies with higher uncertainty and a chance of a higher payoff because we need the extraordinary to happen.
/5 Incidentally, that institutions are failing and inadequate does not mean you stop trying to wring every last drop of use out of them. Any defense attorney will tell you that. But at some point you do not rely on them as adequate by themselves.
Interlibrary loan from your local public library is kind of a superpower
Thoroughly confused the kids at the desk just now that I was receiving a "book chapter" as a photocopy. I dunno why they publish them that way either
This is getting a little ridiculous. True loser shit. It’s basically tied. What do these people think their jobs are?
A senior House Democrat says efforts to replace Biden at the top of the ticket have stopped because, “We've all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency."
Trump rally shooting upends congressional Democrats' crisis over Biden's Rep. Dean Phillips said it would be "unpatriotic and unprincipled" to focus on anything besides the shooting.
Seen a lot of comments like “hey Americans who support democracy, oppose political violence, and value truth, we have to take the temperature down,” and while well-intentioned, I don’t think it’ll work, because they’re not the ones raising the temperature.
wonder what it's like in today's other multiverses
Just saw Hamlet, ended badly for everyone, what'd I miss
something I appreciate about your posts is that you talk about engaging with and strengthening community wherever you go. your neighbourhood, your softball team, your reports at work. You seem good at it and I think that's cool
New York Times using the New Mexico flag to evoke crosshairs sure is a vibe
oh no, I've discovered chappell roan
just asked liang “who is this, she’s trying to sound like Stevie Nicks” and it was Chappell Roan
going to keep pointing out golf uses a bit more in two days than microsoft, google, and apple combined use in an entire year turn golf courses into housing with a put-put course attached
here's a chart showing that Microsoft, the world's second-largest company by market cap, consumes ~6300 acre-feet of water per year, which is to say ~1.5 percent as much as alfalfa farmers in the Colorado River basin, or ~0.2 percent as much as Imperial Valley farmers
i regret to inform the commonwealth of pennsylvania that blocking non-US IPs from the department of state website is not actually an effective election security manoeuvre furthermore: wat
the 533 political parties listed in the accompanying index include "All Crooks," "Hitler Party," "Fuck Trup," "Hog4Boss," "Indepentent," "Neo-Agrarian," "Phreak the 4th," "Skyhook," and "Go Steelers," all sic
LA to Kelowna!
Alaska Airlines is planning for some new and interesting routes this winter. Notable, however, six of the new routes are 1x weekly and another seven are less than daily. Only five are daily. All but one are seasonal. #AvGeek
I'm excited to introduce Americans to Kamala Harris. I was a Warren supporter in 2020 but I've been really impressed by what the Biden-Harris administration has accomplished and I'm looking forward to a revitalized take on that legacy.
"Slop" has become the defining genre of the 2020s. And now everything has to meet two contradictory requirements. It must fill the content void and also be the most popular thing ever.
I love getting notifications for faves on this account because it means there was a funny one
INADVERTENT SIREN ACTIVATION Harris (NC), 07/08/2024 "On July 8, 2024, at 0748 EDT, six emergency response sirens were inadvertently actuated. Four sirens are located in Chatham County and two sirens are in Wake County. The first notification was made to Wake County at 0754. Investigation is […]
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